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Posts posted by JoHawley

  1. Clearly some strong feelings out there from people who fortunately aren't injured! A friend of mine is in the situation I described. He hit a mound of concrete which was hidden under grass so he couldn't see it from above in the field he picked to land in, so he feels understandably hard done to. He is not a student and has nearly 100 jumps. Despite breaking part of his back there was no nerve damage, but he will struggle with walking. He won't sue, but we were just discussing it the other day and I wondered what everyone else thought.
    I don't know what I would do in his situation. I am not convinced that everyone checks the spot every time the jump though...

  2. We are missing you at 13 000ft, honey, but don't rush!
    I know it's frustrating, so why not come do a bit of wind tunnel whilst sitting out the winter?
    And get a bigger canopy for a while when you do come back!
    Love always

  3. Hello all
    I´m heading to the wind tunnel in Paris next month and am after advice. I have 150 jumps and am going with a friend who has 200. Neither of us has been in a tunnel before.
    1) How much time should we each have? And how much with an intructor?
    2) How long will it be (best guess) before we can go into the tunnel together?
    3) Does anyone know any good wind tunnel training plans on the internet somewhere?
    (I´ve been trailing the internet for answers, but no joy - help!) Am looking forward to not having to pack!
    Thank you!
    Happy landings

  4. Some airlines won't touch them at all even in the hold if they realise what you have. Friends of mine have been refused passage on Ryan Air (our first trip to Empuria has still not happend) and I was told in East Midlands airport that Go and Easyjet won't touch them either. They insist that there is some sort of pressure canister in the rig which makes it unsafe - v annoying.

  5. I've been having loads of skydiving dreams recently and having read the previous thread about dreams wondered if anyone has any more interesting ones. Also how often do you dream about skydiving? It seems to feature most nights for me at the moment!It might be because I am jumping a lot at the moment, but then I thought that I was dreaming about it loads in the winter because I wasn't jumping!
    I had one dream recently that I have found it really hard to shake off. I remember looking at my alti and seeing it show 2 000ft and panicking that I was getting low. The dream ended there, but I have happily just received an audiable alti anyway, so hopefully it wasn't a premonition!
    Just a few days after the dream, I jumped and tore the strap of my wrist mounted alti on exit and nearly dropped it - so maybe it was a premonition of sorts!

  6. That's really cool. My dad has a disability which means he'll never be able to do a jump and he came down to the DZ for the first time at the weekend to watch me. He was saddened that he'll never be able to try it. It's great that you aren't prevented by your MS and that you haven't let it stop your hunger for this.
    Have an excellent excellent time (I know you will):)