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Posts posted by surf4life11

  1. My experience with this was:

    1)Had to do 10 signed off pack jobs before I was allowed to pack my own if I had my own gear.

    2)gear checks were part of my learning process. Everytime I went up with my instructor I was required to do a gear check on my own gear and then check the instructors gear. They would routinely mess something up and ask me to check to see if something was wrong.

    3)3 ring maintenance was part of everything, I was required to disassemble and reassemble the 3 ring release on numerous ocassions.

    It was a thorough teaching curriculum and I hated it at the time but now understand why they did it that way and appreciate it all the time.


  2. Goals for 2005!
    -finish my B-license requirements(water training) and get it
    -get my coach rating
    -get canopies for my new container
    -continue to get better at freeflying and get some coaching
    -go to more DZ's around the country to jump instead of staying local
    -get some canopy coaching

    There is probably more I just can't thinnk right now. Blues!

  3. I started in March 2003 and by July had my A-license. Between July 2003 and October 2004 I made
    79 Jumps and got my 100th in October. I am like many and at about 35 jumps got interested in freeflying and have not looked back. I am one of maybe 2 or 3 at my DZ that freefly but the only one that consistently does it so I was forced to learn from your advice on this forum and it helped me tremendously. My goals are to get my coach rating this year, get coached on freeflying from an expert freeflyer to get a whole lot better and progress on my canopy in a safe and reasonable manner. Swooping interests me very much and canopy piloting in general is something I want to learn as much as possible on. In 5 years, who knows. I know I want to become an instructor but I need to go somewhere where it is more active with students than my current DZ, I also want to go to more boogies and visit more DZ's in places like Florida, Arizona, California and all throughout the U.S. I really just need to put more jumps under my belt and progress in this wonderful skydiving life. My immediate goal though is to get the rest of my rig bought so I can jump ASAP. Cool thread! Blues!

  4. I can second that with Mirage. I put an order in on the 16th of Oct and I just got my G-3 yesterday, so a 4 week delivery on that was great. They kept us up to date on everything. Awesome service. I really do not see any cons to the Mirage G-3 or G-4 other than a difference in looks. They are both quality containers. As far as an Icon goes I have no knowledge of it.

  5. It took about 8-10 sit fly attempts before I was able to hold it for the better part of the dive and then about 20 jumps until I could hold it stable, no backsliding or movement other than going stright down the tube from exit to flattening out for deployment. Once you get it though it feels awesome.B|

  6. Sure doen't feel like it! This week has gone by so slow and I don't start vacation until the 31st, this sucks but hey it all worth it in the end, can't wait to head out on the morning of the first, should get there about when the camp grounds open. Blues!

  7. From what I understand that is all part of the 40 dollar entry fee. Somebody correct me if I am wrong though. I am camping as well and everyone I have talked to at my DZ is camping either tent or trailer and have said nothing about extra money for a camping fee. Blues!

  8. Thanks that helps a lot. Unfortunately coaching is not available to me immediately so I am forced to learn from others any way I can. Your post makes so much sense and I can visualize exactly what you were saying. Thanks again for the advice.

  9. I know I should talk to people out at my DZ but unfortunately there really are not any freeflyers out there to give me the advice and help that I need. I have been working on my sit for the last 15-20 jumps mostly solo with some coaching initially and now have it to where I can hold it and go straight down the tube without backsliding or any other unintentional movement. My questions are how do you turn, do side to side movement and do intentional forward and backwards movement in the sit. Also, my exit into a sit is something that I am trully having trouble with, I get out and do fine until I have to transition from having my legs tucked and arms back to a stable sit. Just looking for as much advice as I can get so I am safe in the air when I do start freeflying with others. Thanks

  10. I bought a set of pants from them and have had them for 5 months now and they are still together and work great. As far as customer service is concerned it really was not there when I purchased the pants. I tried numerous times to contact kurupee and never was able to get anyone and my pants were also sent to the wrong address (I live in missouri they were sent to Illinois). One good thing is they sent the pants rush service and did not charge anything extra. Hope this helps. Blue skies!

  11. Went down to Gold Coast and got some coaching jumps in and began my new freefly addiction. I was taught to sit with a wide stance and I currently maintain my speed pretty well and do not backslide at all. This is after 8 sit jumps. I can hold the sit for about 85 percent of the jump. When should I bring my legs in a little bit or should I at all to get more of the natural sit position? I am in no hurry to progress as fast as I can and still do RW work to maintain my flying skills there as well but I am all about freeflying and just want to be as good as I can be and as safe in the air as well. I do not have any coaches at my DZ most of the time and usually they are on staff for the day so most of my jumps are solo and if I am lucky another freeflyer will be out at the DZ so any advice is welcome. Freeflying rocks!!!B|

  12. My biggest question is do I really need to buy an RW suit and a freefly suit? I want to start learning to freefly in the next 50 jumps but can never say no to a good 4 way. If I can only afford one suit it seems a freefly suit would be what I need but can I still do good RW with a loose freefly suit if I have a fast fall rate?

  13. I think a person should do all disciplines of skydiving. The more you learn and experience the safer and more competent in the air you will be. Also, why should anyone just stick to one form when they can have fun and expereince them all? Just enjoy skydiving no matter what discipline you end up doing. Blue skies bro

  14. Sensory overload is just a thing that is going to happen until your body adjusts and realizes it is ok to jump from an airplane. I went through static line progression and consider it no better or no worse than AFF. Do not let people tell you one is better than the other when they did not go through both, let yourself decide. If you continue through static line all I can say is focus. Focus is what is going to get you over that sensory overload. My way of getting over it was to focus on the plane leaving as I jumped from it. Watch the plane move away from you as you arch and become stable in freefall. It may take some time but you will eventually get over the sensory overload and enjoy everything about skydiving. Take care and good luck.

  15. Dude just relax. Do not pay attention to any of the forums on malfunctions and incidents but for learning purposes. As long as you are confident in yourself and your abilities you will be fine. I have 46 jumps and can relax and joke in the plane (most of the time I take a nap) but I am not complacent, I know that if I have a mal I can handle it because my training has prepared me for that situation. There is always a little bit of you that will say holy shit I am jumping out of a plane but the love for the sports and the thrill is what gets you out that door. Blue skies bro.