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Posts posted by harro

  1. Dont know if this has been posted yet but I found this on the ABC network in Australia :

    Aviation industry shoots down parachute plan
    Canada has issued a patent for a futuristic commercial jet design that would protect passengers in an emergency by breaking apart and letting the sections parachute gently to the ground.

    Industry experts said on Tuesday that the scheme - which sounds like something out of a James Bond movie - had little chance of success. A parachute-equipped plane would be too heavy and would cost too much.

    "For a big airliner, it's just not feasible," said David Greatrix, associate professor of aerospace engineering at Ryerson University in Toronto.

    "It's just such a wacky idea. If you talk to anyone in the aerospace industry, you'd see that this is pretty far fetched."

    The proposal, which received a patent last month, calls for aircraft to be built in separate parts, then sealed together. In an emergency - anything from mechanical failure to a missile attack - the pilot could push a button to sever the parts with controlled explosions or by using a "laser cutting" device.

    Each section would be equipped with parachutes, shock absorbers, inflatable rafts, and propulsion jets that would guide it to the ground, the patent said.

    The Toronto-based inventor, Chui Wen Chiu, could not be reached for comment.

    Mr Greatrix said the added weight of parachutes, shock absorbers and propulsion jets would be too much for a commercial jet, and the planes would be able to carry only a few passengers.

    "It would never get certified in the near future based on current technology," he said.

    "It's just too complex."

    Mr Greatrix added that the majority of airline crashes occur on takeoff or landing, when the plane is too close to the ground for parachutes to work.

    James DeLaurier, who teaches aircraft design at the University of Toronto, said his initial reaction to reading the patent was "holy cow".

    "This would be a maintenance nightmare," he said. "How could you make sure that all these systems are ready to go? The consequences of them not working, or working prematurely, would be dreadful."

    Mr DeLaurier added that the infeasibility of this design should not deter others from trying to make planes safer.

    "I do have respect for [Mr Chiu's] intentions," he said.

    -- Reuters
    Jumpy Jumpy??

  2. Dammmm, That is Dumb. OK Ok, here's one for ya. New years eve at a party, I was with some wuffo freinds and of course the topic came to skydiving, one of the guys there that didnt know I skydive blurted out that skydivers have 3 parachutes attached to them. I was thinking about correcting him but I was enjoying the moment too much.
    Jumpy Jumpy??

  3. OK folks, Im looking to come to the USA this year and Im wondering when would be the best time to come ?
    Also where would be the best place to go ?

    Jumpy Jumpy??

  4. Gee, In Oz we call them Burmese. I had one of them for a while. They are extremely faithful and buy the same accounts very jealous of any other animal that comes in to the house.
    Jumpy Jumpy??

  5. Got a call from Parachutes australia today. My rig is going to be back with me on Monday. WOOHOOO.

    New Cypres 2, a reline on the canopy and reserve repack.

    Cant wait to get in the sky.
    Jumpy Jumpy??

  6. 'Twas the month after Christmas, and all through the house nothing
    would fit me, not even a blouse;

    The cookies I'd nibbled, the eggnog I'd taste
    at holiday parties had gone to my waist

    When I got on the scales there arose such a number!
    When I walked to the store t'was merely a lumber

    I'd remember the marvellous meals I'd prepared,
    The gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared;

    The wine and the rum balls; the bread and the cheese,
    and the way I'd never said, "No thank you, please."

    So, away with the last of the sour cream dip,
    get rid of the fruit cake, every cracker and chip.

    Every last bit of food that I like must be banished
    'til all the additional ounces have vanished.

    I won't have a cookie--not even a lick.
    I'll want only to chew on a long celery stick.

    I won't have hot biscuits, or chocolate, or pie,
    I'll munch on a carrot and quietly cry.

    I'm hungry, I'm lonesome, and life is a bore,
    But surely to God, that's what January's for.

    Unable to giggle, no longer a riot.
    Happy New Year to all and to all a good diet!
    Jumpy Jumpy??

  7. I have 3 now. Looking to get one of them finished soon.
    I was looking for a long time to get some kind of arm band incorporated with the "Eye Of Ra" symbol on my arm. I found it when I got my DZ.com long sleeve T-shirt the other week. The pattern donw the arms of the shirt is going to be the arm bad for my Ra tatt.

    I love Tatts. I like them on girls. My dog even has one on her ear.
    Jumpy Jumpy??