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Posts posted by kenetch

  1. Hi
    My instructor told me i can buy a sabre2 150 becose i a conservative jumper and my DZ has a regular weather. I read about this canopy in PD and i found it isn't for me. I think i didn't undertand you. Could you be more specific? Thanks

  2. Thank you very much for all you advice.
    I think i get a new sabre2 170, used sabre190 or used sabre2 190.
    I think i need training for use it. I'v looked in internet and i found trainning in Deland. what do you think?

  3. Hi everybody. I have a question?
    Some on my instructor recomended me to buy a sabre2 150. This is becose the complete rig is too expensive to me and i can't change the pricincipal parachute many times. They told me when i have 50 jumps i can use it. I have 31 jumps today and my exit weight is 185. I jump in a city is 4500 feet over sea level. I have jumped in a sabre 190. what do you think about this? I don't have an accident and i don't buy mi rig two times?
    Thanks in advance