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Posts posted by drago76

  1. Hello!
    cant determine what maker and model is this google:
    see from start on a video, at about 0:03 second


    want to buy something similar in ebay, because i want try two another jumps in next year - one tandem, and one staticline.
    cheap soft plastic google who i was given in my first tandem i fo not like - it have distorted view, and also not wind-tight, i have a tears in my eyes on freefall stage, due to strong wind...

    or maybe you can recommend something else good googles who can be purchased in ebay with delivery to europe, and who was good seal, and so on?

    thanks in advance!

  2. Quote

    Whatever you do, don't go to a chiropractor.

    Fucking snake oil charlatans.

    Anyone who thinks that you can immunise children against Polio by manipulating the spine need bloody shooting

    i dont know, chiropractor is the same, as in russian "manual therapeut" - human with, i think, medical education, who with spine massage can relieve strained muscles, and so on.
    about a 10 years ago or so i try to lift my newfoundland dog.
    yes, i know, i am a fool, and dog not very massive ( about 65 kilogramms, or ~120 punds i think) but large, and very uncomfortable position at starting lift from ground level, as so i start lift with non straight spine, and get a some problems.
    that was a bit stiff at waist, and some small pain also. i have that for about 2 years - bit discomfortable, but all in all i can live with that. and then i got to local manual therapeut by my wifes advice - just for look, what changes.
    i was very sceptical, and not believe, something changes, but my amazement - i almost already feel, that stifness is gone, and that small, everyday pain too! so, there can be good effect.
    when i got an my last trauma - Herniated intervertebral disc - i also got to him with some hope, but this time there is practically no changes. as so it looks works not in all situations, but that is logical.

    corsette is a good companion for bad spine, btw, and, if riding bicycle / moto, then best position is leaned forward. with straight position spine was ruined very easy, if road not perfectly smooth... :\

  3. he have too small experience in physical world, and from other side - that was much better death, than old, sick, alcheimer and demenetsya, i think.

    in any way, no one of us live forever, and what a difference - now, or after 10, 20,30 years? :D

    i listen, and damaged my back. now i try chose, who listen, and gather additional information.
    i am not so healthy, to be able to afford anyone, who have a named "skydiver" or "instructor". i seek for good, smart ones.

  4. dumb people, say, can drive a car with decades, but not read anything, and learn only from his own mistakes ( and even that - not always).

    and then someone can come and compare wrc pilot, say, and truck driver, and say - truck driver is far more experienced because miles, and years, and as conclusion, truck driver is much more masterful and more knowledge in car piloting techniques.

    but that is useless dicsuccion, only thing, who you operate is experience, not perception and learning.

    Bryan Burke may be fool for you, and any skydiver, who, after a bit hard landing with his instructions, when to make flare, who ask "now you see, why need to start braking fast?" may be a god level expert in canopy piloting.

    thats show your thinking level, but ok - you re not first, and not last that folk on this planet.

    i plan to do tandem, and maybe another static line in another dropzone.
    on todays impressions tandem is much more emotions and impressive, than staticline. also i can feel more relaxed and can try to learn to determine +/- right attitude for starting flare and so on.

    as so, you can continue your jokes about "another fatality"... :\

  5. yoink

    ***jumped today.

    before jump i discuss a bit with old man, who was in charge for direct me to land via radio.
    he say, i must brake fast to make flare, i try argue a bit slow ( about 3 seconds ) motion was much better. he did not agree, and finally i decide to do, what he says.

    He was right, you were wrong. It's that simple.


    old fart know nothing about flare, and even cant give a signal in right time, i think :D

    He knows a load more than you, I guarantee it. Take responsibility for your own fuck up.

    on that planet has a lot of fools.
    when fool becomes doctor, or skydiving instructor, or car driver - he not automatically become wise, not. there was the same fool, who was start propoganding things like "in internet is impossible to learn anything worth", and so on.

    apart of this, even so dim folk as you must understand, that if i do all, as that guide man say, and as he say, then that is not mine fuck up.

    apart of that obstacle, that i do what he say... :P

  6. jumped today.
    with, as i been said, a russian "arbalet" canopy (270 sw ft, as i found in internet?).
    not as near impressed, as from tandem jump.
    before jump i discuss a bit with old man, who was in charge for direct me to land via radio.
    he say, i must brake fast to make flare, i try argue a bit slow ( about 3 seconds ) motion was much better. he did not agree, and finally i decide to do, what he says.
    be very anxiety, when earth start to fast approaching ( under 100 meters), and radio was silent, but decide to wait for signal.
    sadly all that near paralized my perception, as so, i look not to horizont, but on a grass, where i go, and also not remember to get legs close - after signal i do fast braking, as he told, but anyway have bit hard landing - cant stay on legs, drop no my ass on grass, and then on a hand too :/

    happily, looks like without damages. there is almost no wind ( maybe about 2 m/s ), and i come versus wind direction, as it supposed to be.
    old fart know nothing about flare, and even cant give a signal in right time, i think :D

  7. if anyone else look for that, this looks one of best, who i find until now:



    most public in this place looks strange to me, and unable to get useful information, sadly...
    i been thinking, in skydivers bright person percentage is higher, than in general public...

  8. topdocker

    Best advice: stay in shape. This pays off no matter what you are doing.

    Second: consult a sports med doctor, but make sure they have a real grasp on what skydiving is all about, not some vision of you jumping off 10 meter towers in training.

    Third: Listen to your body. If you are hurting, stop and assess what is going on. Better to skip one jump than miss a season or end a career.

    Fourth: don't lean on the wing of the AN-2, its fabric


    good advice about AN2 wing ! :D

    what about another in the same manner?
    how to determine current height, speed, point where i landed, if not change anything?
    what is better manner to jump aut of aircraft until chute open?
    what is best procedure to start flare, if i do that first time, and do not have an experience to determine my height and speed under canopy?
    any large canopies special features, who is good to know? ;)

  9. i look for answers, not workarounds.

    sure, spine inner muscles development is very good thing, but is very hard to maintain long-term inspiration to do this, because you cant see any results. only feel ok.

    nearer dropzone is in 180 kilometers from me, and another is 220 kilometres away.
    as i said, i have my own way, in what manner i learn new things, and as so, i ask for information, not a advices, what i must learn instead of, what i do that :P

    sadly, in web, looks like, is a bit short of instructions of that sort ( SL, and so on)...

  10. some of erniation of the intervertebral disc.
    hope google translate do this well, my english is very bad, sorry.

    i do not plan to learn exactly "what to do", but gather as much as possible, information, and try to make a "picture" of a event is a part of me, as so i try to get as much as possible information.

    2 - 3 foot jumps not problem for me, but i prefer to not stress my back if it possible, without serious reason.

    also i do not ask, what for me that jump may be, because i understand, that was unpredictable - too many factors.
    after all, Kris got fatality with good spine, as very many in this sport...

    but some general advices - how to determine braking height, how to brake before landing, how to exit aircraft, and so on is very good to know - especially for that, when i arrive at jumping site, i was, sure, a bit wrapped up by first time solo jump in front of me.
    there is also a lot of new for me information in briefing in the same time - all that make a bit information overload of brain, and some facts get miss the ears.
    instead of that, if i arrive in general by knowing some facts, there is a less "new" for me, and therefore, less stress, and better to memory all..

  11. Hello!
    I have injured my back about 3 years ago ( very painful experience), and i know, my back was never be so good, as in my young days.
    i am 41 yo, 182 centimetres tall, and about 75 kilo weight.

    want to go on this weekend to do staticline jump from about 1200 metres with wing type parachute ( yet, i do not know exact models, who that dropzone use for novices ).
    looks like, jumping is from post-soviet AN-2 aircraft ( biplane, typical flight speed about 120 kph - not very fast.

    what was advices? especially on landing?
    sure, there are briefing before, but i want to get as much information, as i can. maybe there is some to-do or so on, articles about all that?

    also interesting about my back. in last weeks my back is more or less ok - i be jogging for some kilometers twice of a week, and riding a motorcycle, yet, many hours rides, especially on not perfectly flat tarmac, do back fatique.
    week ago i do my first tandem jump, and my back was ok after that. in static line, as i understand, forces on opening chute is less, than on tandem from full speed freefall?

    P.S. went to try skydiving because of Kris Kaspersky ( who, sadly, died on skydiving accident this winter), and yes - that was very overhelming experience. -step out of a plane, and fall down :)
    very excited.

    thanks on advance!