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Dropzone Reviews posted by SkydCanada

  1. Hi all,
    Xielo has two locations,
    one is by Bogota and one is by cartagena.

    The cartagena staff are amazing... but have not had an operation runaway in over 2 months..
    Something the owner neglected to tell us. We had contacted her 1 week before our trip. she told us to bring our gear. She even told us it was totally safe to check our gear as she always does it to avoid security issues.

    She did inform they were a tandem DZ and that we would have to go up with tandems, we were totally cool with that.

    Once we land we get a message saying hey sorry to say the runaway has been damaged and is being repaired...

    Ok that sucks.... but our hotels had us staying in the town of the DZ so we went out anyways.
    We arrived and our hostel owner told us the runaway has been down for repairs for months, we then meet the DZ staff who are like ya they aren't even booking tandems they haven't been for a very long time.

    We found out owner was just hoping that the runaway construction would be finished when we arrived.. (its completion date was december 22nd we were there december 9th)

    ok so that really sucks... we get to the airport and they force us to check our bags, what ever... but then they ripped over my rig during transit at the cartagena airport.

    Xielo owner and cartagena airport can not be trusted