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Posts posted by FreeFlyASC

  1. Well thank god im not broke anymore....Some people still think im a punk!

    I have finaced many peoples first rigs, i have let many people use my gear, I have fork over my punk money to fund peoples gear purchases.

    Im not going to defend myself to you Chris or Judy (im not sure ) All i can say is "I still love ya" when did that happen like 1999 (grudge much)

    Come out and jump with us in Alabama!

  2. Daniel,
    Im glad you had fun on your tandem...When you get ready to do AFF you should think about coming out to Pell City its about 2 hrs from Atlanta...We have a very experienced jumper at our DZ who is also deaf. I think he could help you get threw AFF easier.

    There is also another jumper name Billy Vance that jumps just north of Birmingham that i am sure would be willing to help. You should be able to find him here on

    Good luck with all your training. PM me if i can help with anything.

  • Quote


    Atlanta Skydive Center still has a large amount of strongs

    Yeah but they are the home dz to Skyride and they recently lost their heart and soul of their dropzone Mike Gruwell (Head Rigger and School Manager). He went to the DZ 3 miles away at Skydive The Farm. There are plenty other DZ's in Atlanta that don't have the reputation that ASC has. ;)

    With or without Mike ASC is still one of the most progressive dropzones in the southeast. Some of the best skydivers around can be found on that DZ.

    There is never a lack of work and the AC sure is nice.

  • As long as i think i can keep a student under control during a jump. I will continue to let them jump. I once took a student on 4 level 1 aff's before he finally decided on his own that maybe this wasnt the sport for him.

    I have had the talk with one student becouse he couldnt not land a parachute to save his life. (even with a radio!)

  • Quote

    I am following them out and after the drogue is out I go by about fifty or so feet away. The reason I go by is because I fly about like the space shuttle - like a rock. I am not that good a skydiver.

    As a tandem instructor what you just describe is my worst nightmare.


    but I just don't see what the big deal is.

    Hmmm maybe the big deal is the life of the Tandem student. That student did not pay good money so that you can come take him out on a jump.

  • Tom,
    The record is scheduled for sunday. We are not sure of the exact time. The KingAir will be flying all weekend for only $12 a jump!

    We hoping to have a big party saturday night. We have a couple of dj's coming and they are having a cookout at Sammy's that night (Its a Hawiian theme) so bring a Hawiian shirt.

  • Hello,

    The weekend of July 26th and 27th we will be hosting a Luau Boogie.
    Ten block jumps will be available for $120.00. These jumps can only
    be purchased that weekend, but may be used at anytime.

    A Hawaiian shirt is a must for our Luau Saturday night at Sammy's
    Resturant. There will be a band on the patio and great food. Another
    plus, it is a very short walk from the DZ. Free keg beer Saturday
    night!! Free lift tickets to the best Hawaiian shirt.

    Free RW coaching and for those of you that need to complete your
    proficency card, there will be a free coach available to help you out.
    Rob will provide free freefly coaching all weekend also.

    A 80-way will be jumping from 2 Casas and 1 Otter that weekend to
    break the Alabama State Record - an awesome site to see.

    And yes the Casa will be available for a few fun loads on sunday!!!

    Plently of sleeping space in the hanger, 6 RV hookups, and camping.

    Please call for any questions 770.684.3483.