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Dropzone Reviews posted by Phlip

  1. I was very excited about moving to the area: I was going to be 20 minutes away from a DZ!

    I was looking for:
    -Friendly staff,
    -Friendly people,
    -Fun place to hang out after a full day of jumping,
    -To feel welcome,
    -The view, facilities and plane were not that important.

    What I found:
    -Nice landing area (although no set pattern),
    -They are very professional with the students,
    -Only a few jumpmasters and staff were smiling and full of energy,
    -Definitely not a family DZ,
    -Almost everyone leaves after the last load,
    -A lot of sad and bored people among the staff.

    Very frustrating to see that much unused potential... I really tried a few times, I am now driving two hours to get to the next DZ, and it's worth it.