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Posts posted by BoobieCootie

  1. Aaarrrggggghhhh!!!!>:([:/]

    It's a conspiracy I tell you. Freakin' INS got to schedule my finger printing on June 28B| Right in the middle of the American Boogie and the only day helicopter jumps are offered.>:(

    Yeah yeah... I'm sure they've got my best interest at heart. Helping me curb my spending now that I'm not collecting a paycheck every 2 weeks. Blah blah.

    Ok. I'm going over the join CrazyIvan in the Venting Thread:(

  2. Is what it boiled down to on my exit interview 20 minutes ago. Not only did I do it in my best Clint Eastwood impersonation, I also did my best Darth Vader going : "I find your lack of commitment disturbing".

    After 5+ years of working this job that's not taking me any further than I'd like to go, I'm now on my way to strike it out on my own.

    Funny, about 6 years ago I was reading a book titled "What color is your parachute" while hunting for a profession. Who would have guessed about 4 years later I'd make my first jump and on my way to become a skydiver.

    This sport has taught me how to conquer fear, about confidence, teamwork, trying something new. Definitely a lot more than corporate mumbo jumbo lingo (Can't believe that people pay good money for these seminars.)

    No more writing code to support legacy systems = more time to learn new stuff and explore new ventures that await me.

    To tell you the truth, I haven't been this excited since my first month with the company.

  3. Quote


    but because of my crackpot deductive skills, I've been able to figure out that she's not really talking to me ;)

    you mean all those women (who i've never met) arent attracted by my raw sexuality that leaks out thru my internet connection??

    say it aint so...;)

    Keep dreaming buddy. Until you have a hot site like HH, you ain't anywhere close:P

  4. Quote

    What is it about corporate big wigs that think they can want something that took 5 days to construct and update - IN 18 F*^#ING HOURS!!

    It's a leadership course they teach in management school that defines "Give and Take" and "1/2 and 1/2"

    Give and Take: Your boss gives the orders, you take 'em

    1/2 and 1/2: Your boss gets the amangement half, you get the labor half. Your boss gets the easy half, you get the harder half.

    At least you got a job... I've got one for another 24 hours:D

  5. In all seriousness, I think raising kids cost alot and $400 while it helps, will get soaked up in no time.

    I'd think of the $400 as Uncle Sam helping parents by chipping in on some daycare, school books, lunch money ++.

    While not all parents would do that, hopefully a large portion would. As nice as the idea to allocate the credit straight to schools say, I think it would be very difficult to enforce and administer.

    Anyway... My thoughts

  6. Quote


    Yo Moma Got a Job at McDonalds???

    Yeah, she was hoping to take your mom's position after your mom was fired.


    B|hh... Good come back:D
    I guess I'll SuperSize your VibyMeal.

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VIBES ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.

  7. It was very nice to jump at Hollister. I got home last night past 11pm so I didn't have enought Red Bull in me to fire up the 'puter and IEEE 1394 the 4-point 7-way we did.

    Many thanks to Sebazz1, CellJumper, FlyMySky, Peggy, Bob, The Anvil, and every one I got to jump with. I hope we'll get to do that again at Davis

  8. ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vines Your Way <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Get well soon Papa Lesser

  9. Just packed my stuff for tomorrow's trip to Hollister and wanted to wish everyone a safe and fun weekend:)
    Aside from making sure that you bring your logbook and license with you to the boogies, please also set aside 5 mins to flex your risers, and clean the cutaway cables

    And let's also not forget... BEER!!!

    Good night everyone:)