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Posts posted by skymonkey

  1. Chief, (Bob)

    What can I say man... I am going to miss you...alot. I handn't seen you since your retirement, but you were always on my mind. You were a PJ among PJs and a friend among friends. I used to run and hide when during the week when I would hear you yell down the hall at someone in the squadron, Usually and Officer. I still remember the ass chewings you gave me when I screwed up as if they happened yesterday. And felt honored when you would call me in the middle of the night to come sew up a fellow PJ's dog that got injured. Yes, you did bring fear to many at the unit, but it needed to be done. On the other hand I would be so exited on Saturday to go to the Dropzone (skydive Takllahassee) to make some freefly jumps with you. I remember when I went with you to Deland for a Boogie your daughter also went, and you two were so close, it was awesome. We stayed in your trailer, ate Tuna with Wasabi and drank beer. I thought she is so lucky to have a dad like you. I learned so much from you both at work and at play, and it has made me a better man. At your retirement we had a good talk you me and Chief Shelton and I to this day remember every word you said. I'll keep trying to make you proud. I can only say that I was lucky and fortunate to have had you as a boss, A mentor, a skydiving buddy, and a friend. I will remember you for the rest of my days. The career field suffered a big loss when you retired, now the world looses a big icon in the sport. Rest in Peace and Ride Free brother.


  2. I understand about the listing.

    But why then have an entire forum called Places to Jump. For exactly those type of questions.

    People need to keep their personal problems to them selves. If they think some one is stalking them, they handle it. I know in my case I would handle it quickly.. with out questions..
    On the other hand I guess what is being advertised isn't being followed.. If someone doesn't want her posting, they should file a complaint to ban them from posting. I guess I better whach who I answer to and do a background check before I reply..

  3. I was pretty upset on the fact of the removal of a Post and Thread on the Subject regarding Skydive Orange Va. I just reviewed the Forum rules and no-where does it say you can't ask a legitimate question such as the one that was asked, regardless of the history this person has with some one that may be allegedly at this particular dropzone. Aparently the moderator that deleted the thread let his feelings get a bit involved. I respect this persons question and that was totally disrespectful, to them and to myself which spent my time typing to explain what my experiences were at such DZ. What is involved in this persons personal life is not my or anyone on the Web's concern. The fact that they have history with someone anywhere for that matter was of no relevance in the subject of any part of the questions asked by her/him. On the subject of anyone being upset and closing any accounts, sounds like a personal matter that should of been handled behind the scenes. That was blown totally out of porportions and some peoples basic rights to express themselves were totally violated. Oviously the thread went off track and moving it from that particular forum to another was totally appropriate. I for one feel it should have stayed in circulation.
    I agree, that if this person is totally stalking anyone, there should be action taken by interested parties, but not in the way it was handled. I guess my crystal ball was broken last night when i gave whoever (which I don't care who it is) a legit answer to my experiences at this particular Dropzone. If it would have worked I would of maybe not posted at all.


  4. Seriously,

    I went through as a visiting jumper and found the atmosphere to be real good. Everybody was real friendly, they took me in with open arms.. They have this cool tradition, the last dive of the day is dedicated to making a beer run. It's where crappy donation beer is placed in the pea pit and the jumpers come swwoping by attempting to kick them. If they suceed, they are rewarded with a nice cold godd brand beer to quench the thirst after landing. I would definitely recommend this dropzone to anyone. Don't know about their AFF program much, but they have a good pool of really experienced freeflyers. I know they have a web site. Check it out.. I think they are also club run, where no one person is the owner, but the club runs the DZ..


  5. I wouldn't woory about under loading. The only time it becomes a factor is in High, turbulent wind conditions. Under loaded canopies seem to be affected more in those conditions due to the fact that they are flying slower and aren't as pressurized, in addition to possibly having a negative ground speed (flying backwards)..


  6. I agree with you a hundred percent. I hope that the USPA does at the very least give some good recommendations that instructors can use to plant the good seeds in those students heads. I think your type of thinking should be what experienced metors out there should be preaching. I personally have seen you fly your canopy and can vouch for your experience.

    By the way How is that skyflyer 3 flying.. Next time I come down I'll take you up on that offer to coach me on a wingsuit jump.. Is your face still red from that thursday jump? I can't wait to get bitten by the Wingsuit bug.. Take care, safe flights.. thanks for the reply.

    "the dude with the real bright jumpsuit" and canopy

  7. Over the last Few days there has been some real good discussion regarding WL issues as regards to experience levels. Not satisfied I wrote the USPA with some questions nad this is what I wrote..

    "Just a small question? How come with all the rules and regs, we have with regards to skydiving, you (the USPA) haven't published any rules or guidelines regarding wing load maximums? It seems that more and more people get hurt under a perfectly good canopy and by your statistics I have read almost all injuries or fatalities are from a skydiver flying a canopy which is too much for them to handle under their experience level. We have so many rules regarding pull minimums and teaching a student how to fly ect ect... If we want to make this sport safer we need to start making jumpers follow manufacturers recommendations that they print on their parachutes. I really can't imagine we overlook such a simple fix.. I'm sure with a few simple rules and some mentorship, we may save a life or two extra each year, which is enough. This should come from the top on down and be pretty black and white."

    The response was:

    "Hi Miguel,

    The USPA Safety & Training Committee and HQ staff members are currently working on these recommendations to add into the Skydiver’s Information Manual. We may or may not have a document ready for the next edition, which is due out in a couple of weeks. But we are all working on this issue, which is actually more complex than it appears on the surface. We would rather have a solid document to add to the Skydiver’s Information Manual, than rush to beat a deadline with something that is not ready for publishing.

    Let me know if you have any other questions and thanks for sending the input. USPA will hopefully have some solid recommendations completed very soon."

    Jim Crouch

    Director of Safety and Training

    United States Parachute Association

    703-836-3495 ext. 314

    703-836-2843 fax

    I know to some this may sound like alot of political bullshit to some and I think it is not. Please don't slam Jim I put this so the comunity sees that there are steps being taken, and hey it's a step in the right direction. Lets wait for the dust to settle and see what our governing body comes up with..

    Miguel Folch

    "These things we do that others may live"

    Living by the Motto...

  8. I'm tracking on what you're saying.. Just remember, that there are always new and better canopies coming out on the market. I would recommend when you're experienced enough, you can start on the Demo campaign.. Also you can borrow canopies from friends in your skill level and give them a try.. I demoed about 11 types of chutes for a total of over 50 jumps before finding a canopy I was comfortable with.. I have over 700 flights and still wingload a conservative 1.45 on an elliptical Nitron.. But I fly the hell out of it.. I think like you money is the issue here.. As for the diference in how they would fly.. would be best answered by someone who has jumped both within a short time.. I personally have never seen a Hornet Live, only in pics.. I have flown a Stilleto at 1.5 WL and found it to be twitchy but fun. I think my decision to go with the Nitron was finacially based(50%0 off), seeing as the diferences in flight weren't that substantially diferent.


  9. Honestly, I don't think you are ready for an elliptical canopy. What I would do is really get to know your canopy a little more. I didn't start jumping ellipticals till I had around 500 jumps and really think by the time I did the transition, I was better prepared than if I would have transitioned sooner. On the other hand if all fails and you don't take other jumpers advice, try to keep the wingloadings low. At less than 150 jumps you really are pretty green to the whole sport. I would recommend no more than 1.3:1 WL, this will ensure a good transition and many years. Stay with that Hornet and find its true potential, I'm sure with the right coaching and safe pratice you can enjoy it for longer time. Jst go ahead and ask one of your swoopers at your DZ that weighs around your same weight and ask him to jump it and show you what is't capable of doing.


  10. I see your point.. What we have here is a mindset issue. That can be changed..But it takes more than just two guys on coffe in the middle of the night typing away at a keyboard, I'm familiar with the polls,.. I guess that whole USPA revamping of the course was a big smoke screen to try to solve a problem that can't be solved. I think it is the responsibility of every DZO to make sure continuing education for our skydivers is there after they have been released from the clutches of the USPA rules prior to getting their licenses, correct me if I am wrong. We need to get it into their heads while they are still fresh and fairly inexperienced.. I personally don't see anything wrong with a 1.5 wingloading limit for 500 or less jumps. If it's about that swooping issue and turf surfing. I believe and seen experienced pilots that can get pretty darn impressive performance from a canopy loaded under 1.3.. probably more speed distance and control than less exp pilot in higher wingloadings. It's not the size it's how you use it. One thing I have noticed ove the years is that many of those pilots with thousands jumps over the years that compete in swoop contests didn't start flying WL of more than 1.5 till well over 1000 jumps.. People just aren't taking their canopies that they have now and really getting what they need before downsizing. I always tell people that ask me questions to read the profiles in parachutist. I always reference J.C. Coclasure and the ammount of jumps he did on pretty lightly WL's before he stepped into the hiperf world. Then again smaller canopies weren't available at the time and if they were they were pretty much regulated by manufacturers.

  11. How will they loose business?, will the skydivers just up and quit jumping?, or drive the possible longer distance to another dropzone? Well Like I said befor we need to look for solutions to these problems, Maybe the DZ can get together and agree on some issues to keep these customers alive or in jumping shape so they don't loose the business. Maybe alot of them can get the USPA involved. I know it's not what anyone wants to hear, I normally don't post, but I really like this sport alot and it really hurts me when people get hurt needlessly. Most jumpers where I jump either can jump there with these, I think fair couple of rules or drive 2 or 3 hours to another DZ. You have to have a few rules to keep the madness at bay.. Like I said before mentorship and a couple of rules never killed anyone. It's not that we want more rules it's that we want to keep more skydivers alive..

    At my DZ we have 500 jump requirement for 1.5 or above wingloading.. Sounds fair to me..

  12. sducoach,

    First of all let me thank you for the post, we are definitely moving in the right direction on getting the words out to the rest of the skydiving comunity. What I see here in the last few posts definitely isn't making progress. Oviously we have a problem in todays skydiving of relatively inexp. jumpers biting more than they can chew as regards to the canopies they fly. Oviously he wasn't ready for that canopy. We can for the most part agree on that.. What should be discussed is identifying the problem and then finding the best possible solution for it. For example setting wingloading maximum rules for your particular DZ, based on jump numbers and individual evaluation by the DZO. Oviously he ultimately decides if someone can jump at his airport and with what equipment. I'm sure that you guys have had extensive talks with this individual in the past, Was there any measures taken to address this problem that ended in injury? It doesn't matter now, its water under the bridge. What's important is that action is taken so that it doesn't happen again under the same circumstances. This is an inherently dangerous sport and peole get hurt. we're going to have more guys hook it, in even experienced guys with thousands of jumps, that's just the way it is. It's human nature to take chances, it's our job as fellow skydivers and friends to make sure those that do are prepared in the best possible way.. What else can you do? Mentorship, and a couple of rules might do the trick.. My 2 cents.

    On request I can post wingloading rules that my DZ uses..

  13. How many jumps do you have? Is there anyone you can get with at your DZ to help you with this problem? What are the conditions you mostly jump in? If anything get with you instructor and get him to work on this problem with you. I recommend when asking for help try to give a little history about yourself, that way it can give the reader a picture of your experience and where and wht conditions you jump in.. At the very basic, observe other experienced flyers with good habbits their landing patterns and taylor to your needs.

  14. Here is my two cents.. I'm a PJ in the AF of course.. I can't speak much for the other branches of service, but we have loads of fun and do alot of missions, and get to jump pretty regularly.. There is a CRO Combat Rescue Officer careerfield which recently opened. And now Pararescue has officers. So there is an option for you. If you want to know more, drop me a note, I'll be happy to give you info. We are all Satic-line and Halo qualified as well as EMT_P and Combat Divers. Some guys have additional quals which I won't go into here. If interested the doors are open.. good luck.. Miguel

  15. I had purchased a Nitron 135 in 2001 and also had REALLY hard openings pretty consistently.. Early on I called Beezy Shaw at Precision and explained my problem, after some brainstorming I talked him into sending me a bigger slider, this was probably around Christmas 2001. We didn't know if it would work, I think I was the first to get that mod. I had a buddy who got a Xaos at the same time I did and his slider was huge. In addition some old jumpers had told me stories of bigger sliders being put on old Jalapeno and Nitro canopies fixing their hard opening problems. As it turned out that solved the whole problem completely. It opens soft like a spectre except a bit more twitchy, not anything that any experienced canopy flyer with the right amount of skill can't handle. I called Beezy and told him that it fixed the problem and that a slider in a size between what was originally sent with the canopy and the new one he sent would probably be the best fix. In my 400 jumps with this Nitron I've had only one line twist which started out spinning to the left but went straight to level flight shortly after. I was able to kick out no prob. You have to treat this elliptical like any other and have propper body position on deployment, and expect it to hunt for direction, which is pretty much standard to most ellipticals. The only other thing I did was to put more slack in the brakes ( about 1.5 inches). It seemed to brake( or what ever you want to call it) itself a bit on front riser carve approaches. I stow with mini bands and don't roll the nose at all. The lines with 400 flights on them look pretty much the same as they looked when I got it. It is a bit heavy on the front riser pressure, especially if your carving turn is initiated a bit high and you need to hold both front risers down a bit extra. She's not designed for swoop comps, but she'll do during weekend fun jumps. Has a short recovery arc. Easy to land deep in the brakes for a PLF in a pinch. And will definitely prep that aspiring swooper for the cross-braced realm. I haven't had one hard opening since the mod. It is Z-po just like PD. This canopy will be around with me for a while to come. Oh yeah avoid the Lime green color it looks like shit.