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Posts posted by Jaysus

  1. On 12/25/2019 at 10:13 AM, djoul said:

    What you think about the opening ?

    i have a cross3 and absolutely love the way she’s open...

    i’m afraid about the opening of the JFX2....:$

    As already said, the openings are fast, but not hard, and if you watch your body position, they are almost everytime on heading.

    I also loved the openings on my crossfire3, but the openings on the JFX2 are way, way, way better ;)

  2. On 12/20/2019 at 1:36 AM, BigL said:

    How was the jump from the Crossy3 to the JFX2?

    For me personally, the step from Crossfire3 to JFX2 was the biggest step so far when changing canopies.

    The JFX2 is a total beast when coming from a Crossfire. Not in a bad way, but you really have to treat the JFX2 very carefully to get to know it.

    It has so much more power in every aspect, and you feel way more connected to the canopy, especially when just flying with harness input, its just so much more fun.

    And once you jumped it, you never want to go back ;)

  3. 10 hours ago, racer42 said:

    Anyone have any experience on the JFX2?

    I got a JFX2 94 in June and put around 200 jumps on it. What exactly do you want to know?

    Some general informations I can give:

    - My wingload is around 2.2 on it.

    - Its very responsive to harness and riser input and a lot of fun to fly with. I like to fly the wing only with harness and if needed some rear riser input.

    - Openings are fast ( not hard ) and most of the time on heading.

    - The flare is very powerful, no matter if you do a straight in landing, a 90° turn, or a bigger turn. Rears are also very responsive for leveling the wing out after a turn.

    - It also has very good slow flight capabilities, so you can even fly next to a student canopy ( as long as the student canopy doesn't use toggles to break ;) )

    - It can cover a lot of ground, so you still can make it back from those long spots

  4. 15 hours ago, riggerrob said:

    Yes Gowlerk,

    I have had similar dreams many times. They started with pulling my main handle lower than normal, then a really slow opening. I usually impact at line-stretch, stand up, dust myself off and hope that nobody saw my landing.

    Exactly like this, and normally I only have those dreams during the off season :D

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  5. 9 hours ago, sfzombie said:

    considering how many times i have heard about a cypres firing when it wasn't supposed to i would hesitate to call it 0 errors.  i understand they changed things to reduce them but i seem to recall they still happen, not sure about that though.

    Maybe you are talking about Expert Cypres firing during a swoop. And thats totally the owners fault, if they are jumping a high performance wing using the Expert instead of the Speed Cypres.

    Speaking of which, I decided to switch from Expert to Speed during the winter, and Cypres does this free of cost, you just have to pay the shipping for your device and they will change the software and the button cover. Is this the same with Mars and Vigil?

  6. It is definitely a thing in Austria.

    The link is in German, but in "§3 Fallschirme", you can see which countries / licences are valid in Austria.


    If your country / licence is not on the list, you can obtain a temporary licence for jumping in Austria. If you go to a dropzone, that does train new skydivers, the so called "Ausbildungsleiter" / training manager at this dropzone can grant you such a temporary licence.

  7. Well, I can not speak about having had that much fear or sleepless nights during my AFF, but I at least had some similarities.
    I started the AFF course, because my, back then, girlfriend wanted to start skydiving, so I went with her to try it out for myself as well, even though I never was interested in it.
    I for sure, had some fear at the first jumps as well, and basically all the AFF jumps I did not enjoy and was also kind a like working on checking all boxes on the "task list" for every jump.
    I eventually started to enjoy the jumps when I was cleared for solo status, and even more after I got my license and started to jump with other people.

    For what its worth, my back then girlfriend, is not really jumping anymore, I made a lot of new good friends that I do not want to miss anymore in my life and I have logged well over 1100 jumps since then.

    So, I am not saying keep on going to get rid of your wife, but maybe you will start to enjoy it if you decide to give it another try ;-)

  8. Westerly

    Do you even need to use a link at all? My kit was assembled by an FAA master rigger and he just girth hitched the bridle straight to the canopy. Seems like an easy way to eliminate one extra link in the chain, save weight and save money.

    I think he is talking about the attachment from the bridle to the d-bag, not to the canopy.
    In my rig, I have a rapide link, works goods so far.

    I remember a post from reddit, about using slinks/rapid links ( https://www.reddit.com/r/SkyDiving/comments/909dza/just_wanted_to_share_this_cutaway_on_my_third/ )

    There was a problem when using slinks and they released a service bulletin to replace them ( https://imgur.com/a/la95I5t

  9. Quote

    As for the person you replied to he is talking about controlling the slider, and which method would work best. I personally believe the snap method would be the best for skydiving.

    In theory the snaps are for sure a good thing, because they force you to place the slider correctly during packing.
    But in practice they won't avoid hard openings, at least not to a 100%. A friend of mine just had a hard opening like 1 week ago on a Velo with snaps ( and he used the snaps, normal Slider Setup, no RDS ).

    Also here is a Tip Tuesday Video from PD about snaps:

  10. NegroKarlezi

    Hey everyone!! I’m changing my main canopy!! Which would you choose!! I currently have a Safire II...

    Stay safe and keep flying!!!

    If you have to ask that question, you are probably better off with a Safire III ...

  11. Yes. I have tried it for one jump on my Cookie G3. I would not recommend it.
    It is bulky as fuck mounted like this, talk about snag hazard.
    Also every time I turned my head when I was under canopy the camera touched the risers because it is so bulky, which is just super uncomfortable and limits your vision if you are not able to quickly turn your head, because you get stuck at the risers with the bulky shit.
    If you want it side mounted, there are better options available ( at least for a Cookie ), like this:


  12. rjklein4470

    I think you should check out Tesla from Fluidwings as well.

    Xfire, has a short recovery arch, the Crossfire should be longer.

    I have not flown the X-Fire, but I do own a Crossfire3 and put about 350 jumps on it.
    One guy at my dropzone got a demo X-Fire to try. What I saw there, and what I see from the videos online, the X-Fire is definitely the more aggressive / sporty canopy and has a longer recovery arc compared to the Crossifre3.

    That being said, I still love my Crossfire3 and you can have a lot of fun with it doing 90s, 270s and whatever you like :)

  13. wan2doit

    Is it common for pain from a tunnel injury to happen - days later?

    I don't think its "common". It probably will always depend on the kind of injury and on the person itself.
    Sometimes my knees or elbows hurt directly when hitting the wall on 4way training, sometimes they start hurting a day or two later.

    That being said, I never had a real "injury" from the tunnel, only the usual stuff, bruses, aching, ...

  14. I don't know anything about the changes in the 4-way dive pool since 1980, but regarding your link, the numbers next to the blocks are just for:

    (1) - USPA Open & Advanced, NSL AAA
    (2) - USPA Intermediate, NSL AA
    (3) - NSL A

    At least, thats what the foot note is saying, and what matches my little knowledge to it, but maybe (2) does match with some blocks of the 80's, what do I know :-)

  15. I haven't tried the X-Fire, but I own a Crossfire3 119 ( wingload around 1.75 ) since this season and put a bit more than 300 jumps on it.
    Previously I was flying a Safire2 139.
    Coming from this background, I really like the canopy, it does respond very well on all kind of inputs.
    I didn't have any problems on coming back from long spots.
    Openings as already mentioned, long, snively, soft and mostly on heading.

    90s and 270s are real fun to dial in with this canopy, allthough it would be nice to have a bit longer recovery arc.
    Personally, I am most impressed by the flare power it gives me. No matter if I do a straight in, or a 270, if it is headwind/crosswind/downwind, I have always enough flare power to shut it down properly.
    On downwinds sometimes you have to run it out / slide it out, but on no wind or with some headwind it will mostly kill the whole forward speed on the end of the flare and you get a very nice and soft landing.

  16. So in Austria our season is over for this year, and I am looking already forward to the Skydive Spain Xmas Boogie in Sevilla to get back into the air :)
    But in the meantime it would be great to see some video footage from you guys and your season to overcome the time until the next jump :D

    How was your season?

    Mine was great, made quite some progress with my 4way team and also my freefly abilities are getting better, little by little :S
    I attended my first bigway, had lots of fun at the Parasummer Boogie in Estonia and really enjoyed the more than 300 jumps on my new Crossfire3, I really love that canopy :$

    Here is a little mashup of my season:

    I've showed you mine, now show me yours :D
