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Gear Reviews posted by Maddingo

  1. A perfect option for all people that have a bigger head or looking for a better quality. It has a thick shell, with external audio pockets, comfortable liner and no annoying under chin buckle. The visor is easiest to control from all the helmets I tried and it is easily removable. The tightening system is one of a kind and surpases all other methods of fastening. It also reduces noise by quite a large margin.

    The cons would probably be that it is quite sensitive to scratches, the liner is glued in and the price is a bit steep.

    The only helmet I would trade it for is the new Tonfly TFX.

  2. The suit is great for this price but they failed at adding correct color and making it a correct fit. It is too tight and the color I wanted is not there.

  3. Got a custom built one for under 2 grand. I bought it after having comfort issues and tabs coming undone on some other containers. I bought it with free fly tab, magnetic riser tuck tabs, hip rings, RSL. Really comfortable, parts are well built and the freefly options give you that extra peace of mind in the air. Had no issues for now, everything stays in place untill it's time to deploy.

  4. So after testing this canopy for some jumps I have grown to love it. At 1.15 wingloading it is a fast, reactive canopy that will take your fun to a whole another level. It is a big step up from most student canopies (navigators, solos) etc. so be prepared. It gets you home from long spots, while having a good sporty profile to play with. Toggle inputs are light with flare power to last. Even at my wingload you can get decent dives out of it so it is a good canopy for those getting into swooping. It can fly slow if you are tired or it can get your adrenaline pumping. Packing is a breeze. One of the best canopies I've flown till now.

    I'm updating this post since I have downsized to a 185. I must say nothing has changed. Everything just got a bit faster and more fun. I load it at 1.3 and it opens and flies perfectly. Soft openings are standard. Love it even more now. I would say it feels even better at 1.3 than at 1.15. Everything is more positive, the wing feels like a part of your body. I had a light downwind on my 3rd jump and ran out no problem, great flare. The only problem I noticed after 50 jumps it is not that consistent on openings. It varies from a 2 sec fast off heading deployment to a perfect 4 second on heading with same packing every time. It is a steeper trimmed canopy compared to a Safire 3 and Pilot. I'd say it is closest to a Sabre 2.
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  5. The canopy is one of the easiest canopies I have ever packed (and it was a 210 size), when deploying it is quite soft, but it tends to turn so it's best to be prepared for a little "deployment flying". In flight the toggle pressure is quite high which I didn't like and I immedietly noticed the lack of flare compared to a 9-cell canopy. It also sinks much faster. The profile was stable even in turbulent winds and it kept flying on heading. In no wind, landings are not the best out there. The canopy is quite steep and you really have to go full arm stretch to perform a soft landing in those conditions... never much running, just prepare your knees and ankles for that thud. So all in all not bad, but I would rather buy some other canopy if I had to choose. She's not my type ;)

  6. The solo is a good student canopy that will bring first timers to the ground relatively safe, even with major piloting errors.

    On the other hand as a skydiver you will quickly overgrow it if you search for a bit more fun in the sky. The inputs are sluggish and the deployment takes forever to fully inflate the canopy, which often results in an off heading opening or some linetwists. It doesn't dive at all it is just a nuissance that with a bit quicker deployment would quickly resolve. The flare is not that strong and the canopy tends to sink even at full flare but it is nothing that you couldn't stand up if you put some effort into it.

    It has a very flat glide ratio and will get you home from those long spots. I've also noticed a lot of canopies have issues with harder openings, some turn without any input which makes it frustrating. There are better options out there.

  7. I transitioned from the Aerodyne Solo to this canopy not long ago with a wingloading of just bellow 1.1. The openings are super nice with consistent on heading deployments but they are not super slow which I like. Very forgiving during packing and flies like a dream. The Solos in comparison were much more sluggish and the snivel during deployment is just too long, which often resulted in off heading deployments.

    It is nice and docile if you want it to, but put a bit more pressure to those risers and toggles and you got yourself a sweet ride which will keep you entertained. That said it is trimmed quite steeper than the Solo and I believe it is made to safely transition to a Sabre 2 or Volt canopies in the future. Another thing I noticed is tons more flare power compared to Solos which tend to just sink even at full flare.

    Cheap, fun and forgiving canopy, would highly recommend if your future goal aims towards more agressive canopy profiles, but nothing that a beginner could not handle at low wingload.

  8. The rig can take a student beating and it is very well thought out. You can adjust the harness to a correct size for every jumper. It looks and feels durable.

    Other than that I must say that a few issues bothered me a lot. The tuck tabs are to small so they come loose almost on every jump which is quite uncomfortable. The 2nd problem I noticed is the pilot chute design. IF you order it with a plastic ball the material will constantly want to pop out, the ball is sewn too close to the pilot chute. It is not an issue for belly flying but when a student gets a bit more advanced it can be a concern.

    Other features seem good and present a reliable rig.