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Posts posted by NeedCoffee

  1. wasatchrider

    sounds like you have to stop skydiving if you don't have the money. people make money at jobs get a job that pays you money then use that money for skydiving
    if your a student that does not work and youre out of money and your parents wont fund you then you don't have a choice

    That sounds really sad, but it should be the only way.
    The liberty has a price, and it's not cheap.
    Hard to hear that.

  2. tred

    Stop skydiving ? That's crazy, I can't !
    Sorry to annoy you, but try to figure how it's hard to have a passion you can't practice because of money..

    your throwing away money renting gear, I stopped for 3 months when I had 15 jumps to save for a rig, it sucks but it will pay off later.

    I definitely can't buy a parachute, even after 3 months of standbye. I'm a student, I do not earn much.
    Moreover, event if each jump is 8$ cheaper, the problem remain the same.


    My apologies, no clue where you were.
    Good luck!

    No problem, I di not mention it :)

  3. normiss

    " instructor, I can't wait 3 years"

    There's the rub.

    What type of "instructor" are you referring to?

    I mean tandem instructor and then why not AFF instructor :)


    What he meant was could you work as a packer at the DZ and earn money for jumps? Some packers make up to $100-200 a day at busy DZs... pack jobs for skydivers last I remember was like $5 each and tandems paid $15.

    Oh the problem is whe have many packers in my DZ, and to become packer you have to pass a certificate which cost money. So I'm not sure it would be a good plan for the moment.


    my advice, stop jumping and save every dollar you have until you have your own rig. then you can jump for 25$. eat noodles and pb&j, don't buy new clothes, don't go out, save every dollar you have, get another job, sell stuff you don't use any more. become a PACKER. all of these things work and its how I afford it. these posts kinda annoy me.

    Stop skydiving ? That's crazy, I can't !
    Sorry to annoy you, but try to figure how it's hard to have a passion you can't practice because of money..

  4. Hey guys,
    I'm 18 years old and I've been skydiving for a year now.
    It's definitely the best thinks I've experienced in my life, and after 50 jumps, I'm still hooked !
    So I woul like to become a skydiver instructor, but my parents can't give me any money, and I have no idea of how to finance my jumps...
    I'm curently working almost everyday after school and every hollydays, but this is not enough.

    I know that when I will have 200 jumps, I will be able to film tandems and earn money for that, so I would be independant and I would be able to jump for free.

    But I still have 150 jumps to do, and if I want to become instructor, I can't wait 3 years to reach 200 jumps.
    Moreover, It's a passion so I can't wait to jumpe again.
    And I'm currently grounded because I ran out of money. [:/]

    Thanks for your help and keep flying ! :D