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Everything posted by WillyBaller

  1. Definitely, it was a blast. I got 10 minutes of coached tunnel time for $100, which seems like a steal. I also got 6 jumps in this weekend which puts me at 11. Not bad for two weekends! My last jump was my first tracking jump, which was awesome. I'm excited to get back out there next weekend.
  2. Thanks! I got ground training and my first 4 jumps done this weekend. I'm hooked. It was a blast and I scheduled a 10 min slot at the nearest tunnel before I go to finish out my last three jumps this weekend.
  3. Hey Guys! I'm based in the Colorado Springs area and am starting my AFF at Out of the Blue this weekend. I did a tandem jump for the first time about 4 years ago and was hooked as soon as we pulled the chute and started making some big turns. I'm a freestyle skier, focused mainly on jumps and rails, but also big mountain stuff. I am hoping to eventually get good enough at flying a canopy to get into some paraskiing. For the time being, I am just too pumped to get started, I'm having a hard time sleeping at night from the excitement. Hopefully I will meet some of you guys out there over the next few months!