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Posts posted by ixlr82

  1. "What is it about the nature of this experience and how one is organized around it that still makes it worth it even though it is such a short-lived experience, and many times the conditions are not even right for getting access to this short-lived experience? "

    I just don't think any of us can answer this for you, not me anyway. When I was just starting I would drive 2 or 4 hours to a dropzone on a cloudy day and just hope that a hole would open up. I almost felt like life without skydiving was kind of empty. I certainly wasn't thinking about it in the practical, analytical way that your question is directed. You were struggling with AFF a couple months ago. How did that resolve? Perhaps a tandem once or twice a year would give you the fix you are looking for without the investment in time and emotional energy.


  2. Chanman, I'm going to quote Wendy's second paragraph because it seems you didn't actually pay attention to what she said when you posted.

    "2500' is a good lower end for BSR now I think. But just as a safe speed might be above the speed limit, I think a safe opening can be planned down to about 2000'. Margin of error is always nice".

    A baglock or a no pull needs immediate emergency procedures, no doubt. However, it can be PLANNED, even down to 2000 feet. The outer ring of belly big ways have been pulling at 2k for decades. If you have an AAD and/or high performance main it means you have to be extremely responsive to initiate EP's.


  3. You should be fitting into the landing pattern. Based on info you have given us as well as jump numbers, I am guessing you have plenty of people to follow down. Don't be a lemming, but you should be 'safely' enter the landing pattern (whatever it is) and following those before you. If you are uncomfortable with this, find somewhere far, far away from the main landing area to land. Most DZ's that I've been to in Cal, Or and Wash have such areas. And as has been stated, you could use a more fluid approach with your landing patterns. Do what you have to do to land safely without hosing others. Sometimes that may mean landing far away.


  4. Quote

    and dont fucking track up jump run....

    Sorry for the slight highjack but...absolutely do track up jump run if that is the direction you need to track to get away from your 16 way. No more and no less than is necessary to gain adequate opening separation from your group. Then fly your canopy off the line of flight until you see the next group open.


  5. I'm not going. I'm working. I'm sad...You should check this out. Just google 'Skydive Awesome' then click on 'Awesome Events'. Near Bend, Oregon, ground zero for the eclipse. Even if you didn't jump at all the price would better than most anything you could find just to be in the totality zone. I have nothing to do with Skydive Awesome, never been there, but it just seems unjust that more skydivers aren't aware of this opportunity. First time in my life I'm truly sad that I'll be making money instead of spending it. The eclipse load is stated as full but I suspect if you have deep pockets someone would sell you their slot.


  6. Seriously? The lower jumper doesn't track? There was clearly one inexperienced jumper. The other three...not necessarily. Even if you were keeping an eye on him, as you can see, shit happens real fast when he decides to pull in place.


  7. August 21st is a Monday, not a Friday. I would be very surprised if any fun jumpers find their way onto a load. This seems like an opportunity for DZO's to make some serious money with some very expensive tandem jumps. Pretty much every campground, every park, every motel in the eclipse path is already sold out at very exorbitant prices. The experience from altitude should be remarkable and I am willing to bet there are people willing to pay big bucks. Heck, maybe scratch the tandems and just have an Otter full of tourists to witness the eclipse.


  8. Thanks for sharing that Summerfest video. That second jump (or second video) might have been the funniest thing I've ever seen. Total chaos and no one gets hurt equals grand entertainment. To the OP: In my opinion, right now, it's about safety for you. So if you choose not to wear an appropriate jumpsuit, talk to knowledgeable skydivers about safe(ish) alternatives and why certain clothing is questionable.


  9. I'm not an instructor. Just my opinion. You said you have 14 jumps. You aren't being paranoid, but way too self critical. There was nothing horrible about your pull sequence. You were not very head low. However it would help to look at the horizon when pitching, not down. And as was mentioned don't rush your wave off. It looked to me like an extremely brisk opening, not quite a slammer, but close, which would certainly pitch you like that. Potato chipping...almost always caused by stiffness and not relaxing enough. And trust me, there are always things you/I could be doing better. Smile, seriously, 14 jumps...you are doing great.


  10. Personally, I find it a bit disconcerting that you, as an AFF student, are asking DZ.com if you should have cut away. A bit of an insult to your instructors, IMO. It's fine to have questions and want to know why. Hash it out with them. If you feel you can't trust them, go elsewhere. When you have a little more knowledge and don't say things like "the cords to my chute were pretty tangled" and "the slider was a bit askew" perhaps then can come to DZ.com in search of knowledge. Right now, you don't know what you don't know...and you need to heed and trust your instructors...Just my opinion.


  11. I would love to hear from the actual competitor or perhaps the officials who approved and sanctioned this. Some of you seem quite convinced that this data is erroneous and/or possibly fraudulent. Is this just a case of "Oh well, we have to go by the ProTracks even if it defies logic because them's the rules". Or, is it possible this guy did something remarkable?


  12. So Maggyrider,

    This is a genuine question. I know diddly squat about speed skydiving. If what you say is true, does it not make a mockery of the whole speed skydiving discipline? And, if so, is there an accurate (perhaps ground based) option especially for large competitions?


  13. This is an amazing record. I can only equate it to maybe what Bob Beaman did in the long jump. Rather than quibble about metrics I think many of us would be curious as to know details about how this kind of average speed is achieved over a distance. What is their body position? Are they going straight down or do they fly at an angle? How do they slow down from that speed? What does the typical speed flyer wear? I think it would make a fascinating article actually. Can you image going twice as fast as an already fast head down?


  14. Keep in mind the option of doing AFF instead of SL. I've know people that stalled in various stages of the SL progression (always out of fear) that were able to make the switch and progress just fine. Worth a try if nothing else is working, and you seem determined.
