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Posts posted by cmgolden

  1. Quote

    Also, the formations rarely look like the ones on paper, take "Caterpillar"(as seen on Block 15), for example. On paper it looks like it should be a straight line, but few teams build it that way. More often it's built curved. Only the grips matter!.

    Another good example of this is the Hammer (13). Shannon Pilcher explains the straight vs. curved hammer on

  2. Good point about the advanced/open distinction, but how would the USPA define "professional?" Would there be a committee that decides? What would the definition be? Is it a professional skydiver? (e.g. Tandem instructor). A professional 4-way skydiver? (does this include 4-way coaches??) What if I get free jumps from the DZ, but don't get paid anything additional. Am I a professional?
    I agree some method of restriction might be helpful, but it seems anything but giving the team the choice (like is the case now) would be hard to manage.
    I believe the the current rule only limits the classes to non-medal-holding teams. That I agree with at the least. (e.g. Teiwaz shouldn't sit in Advanced, in order to collect medals year after year).