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Posts posted by southpaw31

  1. I have a Viso II and an Alter. I have shelved the Viso and it is a backup. I don't need the digital logbook or a lot of the "features" they have. I accidentally set it into speed mode instead of altitude. Didn't realize this until on the flight up. For $100 less, you get just as good of alti with the Alter and easier to read in free fall as well.

  2. So I am looking at getting an audible altimeter and the Ion and Solo II compete price wise. I am leaning towards the Ion as it can be used for a main altimeter too should the need arise, plus jump logging and more alarms should the need arise. Or is there another audible altimeter that is worth the extra $$?

    I know the Ion is a new contender in the market, but from what I see that isn't an issue except for maybe(?) customer support.

  3. Appreciate the replies everyone! Sorry, the ambiguity there, but yes, tracking dives as a "plane formation" is what I was curious about. Facing each while moving away from the jump run. I understand 100% that safety is huge with the added complexity of this and was just curious where to begin and how.

  4. I am new to the sport (34 jumps), but was curious what it takes to get into the tracking discipline? Wasn't sure if that fell into freely or what to ask there, so mods feel free to move as desired. Just curious what I need to work on/towards to get into the discipline of the sport.