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Dropzone Reviews posted by jack1984

  1. Skydive Suffolk what a place! My family and I moved to the area and before I could find a grocery store I sought out this place. For years I had wanted to get my license after doing a few tandems but the location the military had me stationed in just never worked out for really getting into the sport. I started with the ground school, and they were very thorough and professional in every aspect. When I showed up for AFF everyone made me feel welcome and made sure I was comfortable with every aspect of my upcoming jumps and following the jump they would sit down and really debrief and make sure they covered everything. One thing I will say about their training I was completely impressed with was that there attention to detail and professionalism was so impressive. I quickly learned this place caters to a lot of spec war community so that made sense that they would run such a top notch place with super attention to detail on their gear, briefing and debriefing and every other aspect. I completed the license and learned so much and one thing I learned that I had no clue about was the Sky Family that I would create along the way. Being a new jumper can be intimidating but they take you right in and there are so many jumpers with hundreds or thousands of jumps that will ask you if you want to jump and just work on some basics that are within your level to help you in your progression and after the jump really take the time to go over everything. This place is incredible from the early morning yoga, breakfast and jumping to the bond fires. The facility is really kept up as well as the multiple aircraft just a world class place and I am so grateful that this is where I started my skydiving journey. The owner really has a solid family business even as large as the DZ is. The DZO’s wife and children will be usually be working through out various parts of the DZ like rentals, packing, the front desk or maybe even jumping with you and are all super nice helpful and incredibly friendly. I have brought a ton of friends and family to do tandems and come out for jumps and to just hang out on a nice day while I complete a few jumps and see what the vibe and place is all about. I will retire soon and sail the world, skydiving everywhere I can and even though Virginia is not my home state, Skydive Suffolk will always be considered my home DZ and will have a place in my heart and I thought they more than deserved a updated review on here. Blue Skies!!Skydive Suffolk what a place! 

  2. I am active duty military and have been for 13 years. I set up a group of 89 service members to jump over 24 hours. The drop zone made it simple and had transportation in the requested location at the requested time and all the staff was very friendly and the drop zone had a great vibe. Everyone that was there was open to all the Newbie skydiving questions and was all smiles and laughs and good times. I highly recommend this drop zone if jumping in Hawaii.