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Posts posted by Moosie

  1. chuckakers

    Not sure if he has or not. His name is Justin Price. He lives in Eloy so it's possible he's done a course or two there.

    I love how proud papa you are, Chuck. Your kid's a good one.

    I've never gotten canopy coaching from JT, but I have had plenty from Justin. The Flight 1 program is a great one!

    To the OP, I'm a conservative jumper. I love freefall and canopy flight. I have plenty of fun under my massive wing. I don't understand the need many newer jumpers have to downsize so quickly. Honestly, I could see myself staying with my large canopy, or at least the same size.

    I was told long ago, similar to other posters, that until you can truly fly and land your canopy in any situation then you're probably not ready to downsize.

  2. billvon

    >"So it's just a bunch of people falling through the air like fairies while holding hands?"

    Well, people seem to like watching people sliding down a hill wearing sticks on their feet like a bunch of 2 year olds . . . .

    I'm not debating that at all. His observation of RW was amusing to me. He's had similarly amusing observations of other sports, too.

  3. When I tried explaining RW to my kid (7 years old), he asked "So it's just a bunch of people falling through the air like fairies while holding hands?"

    I'd say he's pretty representative of the average joe.

  4. I'd also recommend a hobby. Perhaps combining the hobby with the volunteer gig. I have a friend who spends her down time knitting hats for new babies. It's something she can do to keep her busy, gives her purpose, and allows her to still do it on days where she just can't get out to be social (her depression is the type where she's not a danger to herself to spend time by herself, and she gets out often when she can).
    Having some sort of regular meeting/obligation helps, too. Like a weekly coffee date with a friend. Or a routine appointment to walk the dogs at a local shelter. Something where someone with any sense of obligation will make the effort to attend, as someone or something is counting on them.
    I wish you and your loved one all the best. Depression isn't easy. You're a great friend and relative to help out.

  5. Lyman at Desert Sky, Carmen at the school, Aviva just down the road, and about a million others. RI and Firebird practically (but not quite) on site. There are a ton of knowledgeable people/riggers in Eloy. You just have to ask around.
    Wander into the Prop on a Thursday (Taco night), grab some $1 tacos, a beer or two, and ask around. Most of those people will send you in very good directions. And your bartender may even be Carmen herself.

  6. Elpnor

    Still no balloon jumps in Eloy? Anyone in the know want to chime in?

    Burner took last winter off to get some new knees. He also took his recovery time to help train up some other balloon pilots, too.
    I would expect balloons to come back to Eloy in October some time. The sign up form outside manifest says "on hold until October" (<- I may have paraphrased, but not by much).
    I'm told historically they didn't bother even trying to do balloon jumps in the summer and early Fall anyhow.

  7. oldwomanc6

    ******Whew!! Hot hot hottie alert!!!
    Nice uuuuummm nice uuuum
    Eyes!! That's it ! Yup! Noticed your eyes first. Thought you got happily married. :o

    Cold shower!

    FWIW, cold showers don't work for us women folk, the same as they do for the men folk.



  8. flyhi

    Jumped there once, years ago.

    I was traveling at the time and told them I had everything but goggles, helmet, and an altimeter. Asked if I could rent equipment. They said no problem. It would be $5.

    That sounded good.

    They said per item. Per jump. I wore sunglasses and rented an altimeter.

    I asked about packing areas. They said they had indoor packing. Again, sounded good. They said there was an admission fee. I packed outside.

    They never met a fee they didn't like.

    Are you sure it's the same place? These guys just opened up, as skydiving iver the Gac hasn't previously been allowed. And they din't allow funjumpers, either.
    If it's a different place can you let me know where so I don't go there?

  9. Jared -
    Have you made it out to RRSD yet? I was out there yesterday. Small little DZ with tons of personality. I got in a few jumps before it was just too hot. They had a good mix of tandems and fun jumpers for a place that size (and for one plane). I'll definitely be back.

  10. Just to clarify, I don't second guess the accuracy of an digital alti. I understand how gauges work, I understand calibrations and offsets. I live with this daily as a robotics engineer.
    I also know thatvwhen I quickly glance at something digital and then away again I often have to stop and think "wait! Was that a six or an eight? Maybe a five?" it takes longer for my brain to process, for whatever reason.
    My caveman-like brain can quickly interpret the bigass clockface on my Galaxy without giving it conscious thought.

  11. I'm considered young by some (not so young by others). Either way, I prefer analog when others my age insist on digital. I second guess digital all the time. I don't second guess my analog altimeter. I vote people use whatever works best for them.