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  1. PB&J are out. Nutella and Marshmallow Fluff, grilled on the bread, like a grilled cheese, are in. The delicious chocolate nutella and white fluff get all warm and gooey. It's like a giant campfire 'smores on bread. Once you've gone grilled nutella & fluff, you'll never go back to PB&J again.
  2. No, but it makes your ass look fat. (Someone had to make that joke...)
  3. Oh no, not at all. I was just pointing out that "long" is a matter of perspective, depending upon what type of jump you're making.
  4. The two aren't comparable. You're talking about drogue inflation after exit at full altitude, vs main initiation while you're in the basement. If I'm doing a solo hop and pop at 13k, I'd certainly allow for more time to evaluate and respond to a PC in tow, than if I got one at the bottom end of a jump. Right, so relatively speaking, the high pull has "lots" of time to deal with a problem, compared to a hard deck pull.
  5. Heck, 6 to 8 seconds IS a long time compared to regular jumping. If a belly jumper deployed at 2,500 feet and had a pilot chute in tow, he sure as heck can't afford to wait 6 to 8 seconds before taking some action. In whuffo terms, 8 seconds may not seem like much. But in skydiving malfunction terms, and in comparison to solo skydiving opening altitudes, 8 seconds really is a "long" time.
  6. No caption, but some photoshops are popping up from that picture. 1) Putin