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  1. From what i understand NZ does not offer USPA, XLR8 course or something. That is what I meant by rating. Thanks for the advice.
  2. I have considered it but i would rather go somewhere else that I may not get to go later in my life. I don't plan on going to the states for another year or so. Do you happen to know of the name? Every place i have searched offers a lic but it is a different rating.
  3. I'm new to skydiving and am trying to get my USPA class A lic. Just trying to find a good school to go to that's priced decently. I'm willing to go anywhere in Asia, i have looked in Thailand but they are $3700 including hotel and transportation. Seems like Austrailia and New Zealand have a different rating so those may be out of the question. If I cant find a better location Thailand will be the one although it is a beautiful country. Might consider Europe as well depending on airfare, I live in Tokyo.