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Everything posted by ryanfitzpatrick

  1. Hello all. My friend Natalie and I have recently started our pff. Were both on level 2. We have done tandom and tunnel time. I feel like Natalie is getting discouraged from the sport. She is so worried about doing a good job and over analyzing things. I myself have wondered why Im doing this on the ride up. But I force myself out and then I forget about any worries. I love this sport. I know Im a new and have a lot to learn. Can someone please give me some tips for Natile. I want her to know that these are probably normal feelings. Thanks for reading
  2. ryanfitzpatrick

    Skydive SWOOP

    I've read all of the reviews for skydive swoop. I can't understand why some people have chosen to give a bad review. My friend and I have started our pff. Our instructors and other staff and very pleasant to work with. Safety is always key. I felt completely comfortable with them. Who cares if you have tobuse a porta potty. This is not Hollywood people. This is the real deal. Its like one big family. Ive made some new friends and im learning from highly qualified instructors. I would highly recommend skydive swoop to anyone. Oh and if you dont get to jump right away. There's a reason why. Dont rush it. Listen to your instructors