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  1. I set aside the cash for the ground school and some tunnel time so I'm just gonna go to the drop zone and do it, talk with the instructors and see what happens from there. The ground school is a few weeks away so I should have the extra cash for either route I decide to go. I'm probably just overthinking things because I'm so psyched. Once again thanks for all the input.
  2. Thank you ALL for the input. It put a few extra things in perspective for me, thanks again.
  3. So I make this post to get some opinions. It's been about a year since I've done a tandem skydive (only have done two in my life) and I am looking to start my FJC in September. I feel like the fear has really built back up so I'm wondering if I should do another tandem to shake it off, or just go into the FJC and start class A aff jump? Money is tight so I'm wondering if it should be spent on yet another tandem. Just wondering what some of your opinions are...