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  1. Thanks both of you for the replies :) Really helpful. Will just try to get that tunnel time before (which is scheduled way earlier than I would go and signup for the AFF) and see how I do there. After that then directly to AFF. Seeing these forums and reading so much from them, I guess my main concern is the damn landing :) (disregarding the really bad things which are uncommon). Thanks a lot!
  2. Hey everyone Like the subject says, I did a tandem jump last week and all this week I've been reading about skydiving like a maniac. I was terrified when I did the tandem jump (before I got into the plane mostly), but then my face on the ground was priceless. I was high for a week lol. The thing is I don't know what to do so I can be more comfortable with the jumps (the first AFF jump terrifies me). My plan is to go to Sofia, get some wind tunnel time, then do 1-2 IAD jumps then the AFF course. What do you think about this? Or should I just man up and go to AFF directly? My concerns are about how much do you actually learn at ground level? How do I steer the canopy, find the DZ, not screw up when coming down with the canopy over my head? Is the ground training that good? The DZ is really good, no incidents so far, very professional and good equipment (from what I've noticed). I've seen countless AFF training videos, but not many from ground training or someone who explains how good that training is and if I should feel safe. Any tips? Cheers