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Posts posted by skydyvr

  1. Quote

    how much more of a background check is necessary to say: yes, you can have more than one magazine? Because if you deny people that, you're really denying their ability to use a gun in self defense.

    I don't see it denying anyone the right to use a gun in self defense. It just adds to the rules already in place.


    short of changing handgun designs to a fixed magazine, which would make loading for practice a real pain in the ass ( and thus discourage safety practice/shooting), you have merely a law to prevent killers from carrying multiple. If they're going to commit these acts, they don't care.

    I will be the first to recognize that gun laws only matter to law abiding people, but I believe reasonable gun laws can affect all people, law abiding or not.

    For example, if you outlawed large mags, their accessibility would eventually go down and the cost up, making them harder to obtain. :)

    . . =(_8^(1)

  2. Quote

    In the end we are still only addressing a symptom that in the end will have no real affect

    Agreed. Guns, being the inanimate objects that they are, are not the "cause" of anything. The people who use them for bad purposes are the cause indeed.

    But here we are in 2012, and we've somehow arrived at the point where mass murders of innocents by one-off lunatics is an aspect of our culture.

    Yes, people intent on killing innocents will find a way, large mags or no large mags, but the easy availability of them today makes mass killing REAL easy. Is there just nothing we can do about it?

    . . =(_8^(1)

  3. Quote


    Would require outlawing and confiscation of existing large mags to have any impact. Yea I know, good luck with that.

    As you I am sure know, banning something doesn't make it go away. It just creates a black market.

    Marijuana is currently under a Federal ban. How easy is it to buy?

    You're asking a Coloradoan? :)
    No, banning something won't make it go away, but it might make it more difficult for a loony young adult to obtain.

    . . =(_8^(1)

  4. Quote

    I understand this is an emotional response, but it won't make any real difference.


    What if it took a more thorough background check and/or justification to possess more than one magazine of an agreed to size for any given type of firearm, and a law making it illegal to possess otherwise?

    Damn near impossible to implement and with so many already in circulation it wouldn't make a difference. It's not a middle of the road compromise if it doesn't work. It's just another useless law.

    Would require outlawing and confiscation of existing large mags to have any impact. Yea I know, good luck with that.

    . . =(_8^(1)

  5. Quote



    I see this event as the "tipping point" at which the politicians will have to do something.

    I would like to see some serious (non theater) suggestions from gun enthusiasts. If all they do is delay, deny and procrastinate they will probably have something thrust upon them that they don't like. If they came up with some realistic suggestions that they can live with, we'd all be better off.

    Magazine sizes should be on the table.

    Easy access to large capacity semi-auto weapons makes mass murder just a little too convenient.

    I just bought a dozen 30 5.56 magazines

    I dont own a 5.56 anymore but views like this are likely to make worth 10 times what I paid for them soon

    BTW, the US's major shooting/gun suppliers just told thier distributors that they are completely sold out of all high cap mags and AR15 type weapons

    I dont know how many that is but, you can bet it is a lot

    Sure they're sold out, because that's the obvious conversation to have about gun control right now. Semi-auto weapons will never be touched, nor should they be, but legal magazine sizes are worth a chat.

    . . =(_8^(1)

  6. Quote



    I see this event as the "tipping point" at which the politicians will have to do something.

    I would like to see some serious (non theater) suggestions from gun enthusiasts. If all they do is delay, deny and procrastinate they will probably have something thrust upon them that they don't like. If they came up with some realistic suggestions that they can live with, we'd all be better off.

    Magazine sizes should be on the table.

    Easy access to large capacity semi-auto weapons makes mass murder just a little too convenient.

    Doesn't make any difference. Ejecting an empty magazine and inserting a full one doesn't take much time at all and is especially irrelevant when attacking unarmed people.

    Also there are so many high capacity magazines out there that banning future sales will make very little difference in the availability. It will only affect the cost.

    I do understand the futility of bans, and am very much pro SA. But I am also distraught over all the mass killings lately.

    What if it took a more thorough background check and/or justification to possess more than one magazine of an agreed to size for any given type of firearm, and a law making it illegal to possess otherwise?

    How about some mid-road compromise along those lines, the goal being to eventually mitigate easy access to large magazines.

    . . =(_8^(1)

  7. Quote

    I see this event as the "tipping point" at which the politicians will have to do something.

    I would like to see some serious (non theater) suggestions from gun enthusiasts. If all they do is delay, deny and procrastinate they will probably have something thrust upon them that they don't like. If they came up with some realistic suggestions that they can live with, we'd all be better off.

    Magazine sizes should be on the table.

    Easy access to large capacity semi-auto weapons makes mass murder just a little too convenient.

    . . =(_8^(1)

  8. Quote

    And have a basic understanding of a variety of things. It's like anything, the less a person has of something, the more they pretend to have. People who actually have capital, human capital, etc generally tend to flaunt it less than those who don't. An example of this is martial artists, true M.A. generally look for ways to calm tensions and they never let on to their abilities. Uneducated people often yell the loudest on issues they know nothing about.

    You mean like when you spout off about your immense knowledge of Law? :o

    . . =(_8^(1)

  9. Quote

    Another issue: if baseball really did pull the All-Star game, it would face enormous pressure to also pull the Cactus League out of Arizona in Spring 2011--which would be logistically impossible.

    If MLB pulls the All Star game, they'll face a huge backlash from the majority of Americans that support AZ's new law. That's why they won't pull it.

    . . =(_8^(1)

  10. But now the question is -- who are the real deniers?

    "The University of East Anglia's Hadley Climatic Research Centre appears to have suffered a security breach earlier today, when an unknown hacker apparently downloaded 1079 e-mails and 72 documents of various types and published them to an anonymous FTP server. These files appear to contain highly sensitive information that, if genuine, could prove extremely embarrassing to the authors of the e-mails involved. Those authors include some of the most celebrated names among proponents of the theory of anthropogenic global warming (AGW)."

    . . =(_8^(1)

  11. Quote

    The guy is an idiot! Fraud is a felony. Don't commit fraud or perjury.

    He wasn't convicted of fraud or perjury. He was convicted of tax evasion.


    Oh yeah, one more thing .., There's a saying about birds of a feather. Can't quite remember it all. So he's your freind skydyvr?

    There's also a few sayings about people who hurl insults at others.

    . . =(_8^(1)

  12. Quote


    The tie has already been established, you're just not hearing.

    AKA.... I can't so I'll say it's been done and run.

    See post 104 in "Are Republicans Autistic?". That's where the tie between increased government sponsored health care and increased taxation was established for you. Just because you elected not to reply to the poster's point does not invalidate it.

    Stop putting words in people's mouths so often ("AKA. . . I can't") and you'll be a better person for it. ;)


    Dude, there is no legislative correlation between ANY spending and ANY taxation.

    I didn't say there was. I just said that increased government spending on healthcare all things remaining the same would cost the taxpayer more. The DUH factor there is huge.

    The rest of your reply is a load of your standard BS unrelated to my simple point, so I'll pass on addressing it. I't not my concern that you don't understand what "all things remaining the same" means.

    . . =(_8^(1)

  13. Quote

    You have to tie together the national cost of a HC plan to your tax rate. Of course you can't, they're not related.

    The tie has already been established, you're just not hearing.

    All other things remaining the same, providing better health care to people who can't pay for it would also increase the amount coming out of the taxpayer's pocket. Rather obvious isn't it?

    . . =(_8^(1)