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Posts posted by Dantes

  1. I stated my opinion. I didn't make a formal argument. There are no premises.


    So, yes, in my opinion, I am comfortable using the word "we.".

    Maybe you have something of value to add?

  2. Will she face criminal charges in regard to her email server?

    As much as I'd like to be cynical and say that the elites don't answer to the same laws -- I can't.

    It is doubtful that the FBI/DoJ would take the steps that they have without a good case for it. A criminal probe of a former SoS, senator, and First Lady is a big commitment. If they get it wrong, Hillary will scorch the earth.

    Republican, Democrat, Libertarian...whatever. I think we can all agree that Hillary Clinton lacks good character. Polls show that the majority of the American populace agrees.

    A nation of 320m people. Is this the best we can do?


  3. There is a Mexican (no pun intended) standoff going on within the GOP. The RNC and mainstream conservatives are pushing against Trump, but they can't push him too far. If they do, he'll run as an independent like Perot did -- and Hillary wins.

    If his momentum continues, the GOP handlers may have to pick between endorsing Trump or giving the election to Hillary.

    Well, you know what they say...we get the government that we deserve.

  4. I donate when I can, as well. It's a great thing.

    For men, it can have additional health benefits, as we tend to have higher iron levels than women. Donating whole blood can reduce oxidative stress.

    One last thing, wait a few days to jump after a donation!

  5. hajnalka

    Me posting here at all was due to my anger that the "public health" system had failed - mainly because:

    I could see the fear, panic and conspiracy theories starting >:(

    I worked as a public health nurse for a few years. We used to be so naive; we thought we could eradicate TB!

    Anyone remember SARS? I was once working with a new jumper (packing and gear knowledge.) She was a flight attendant. She asked me about it; I minimized her concerns. Next week she was hospitalized with SARS. She eventually recovered but the emotional and economic impacts were harsh. She had to pull her kids out of school, and was ostracized. It hurt her for years.

    Common sense seems to be in short supply. The 24/7 news cycle doesn't help. If everyone realized you can't catch Ebola via casual contact, this would be a non-issue.

    Still, this is a deadly serious disease that invokes real fear, so I can see both sides.

    If anyone really thinks countrywide quarantines would still work in this age of $ and air travel, they should looks at SARS and MERS. Also Marburg, and Ebola Reston. You should probably be more afraid of the worldwide monkey trade than this guy in Dallas.

    I'm just going to leave this here. He seems to agree with you.


  6. kallend

    ***It has been classified as Work Place Violence. PC...folks are so wacky.:S

    Was it violent? Yes.

    Was it in a work place? Yes.

    Seems pretty accurate to me.

    When the average person hears 'workplace violence'...do they think of a black muslim decapitating a co-worker?

    Don't be a pedant.

  7. rushmc

    ***"Regardless...give God the glory."

    He gets it.

    Once someone figures out there is something more or bigger than themselves, they are headed in the right direction

    93% of the membership of the National Academy of Sciences seem to doing pretty well without a belief in god.

    Pope Francis recently stated that approx. 2% of priests rape children.

    Sound like the right direction to you?

  8. I think that this sort of inconsistency is much more common among women. That is where the whole 'happy wife, happy life' bullshit came from.

    Look at pop culture...any sitcom...the husband is almost always portrayed as some passive, servile buffoon who wouldn't be able to put his pants on correctly, without the guidance of his crazy wife.

    Does this make me look fat?!

  9. Quote

    Your, um, Bias is showing.

    I hoe she does become president. That way the muslim world can hate us just THAT much more.

    lets see what she can do with ISIS.:S

    You realize that ISIS exists because we led an (illegal) war into a country then destroyed their army and police, installed a puppet government, and left a a gaping power vacuum. Mr. Hussein was an asshole, but he had a zero tolerance policy for terrorism, and he wasn't bothering us. To think we would have saved trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives if we just let him be.

    Also, having 1.5B people despise you isn't a great way to maintain hegemony.

  10. It's almost guaranteed, barring some cataclysm. I wanted to see how the DZ community feels about it. What will her main goals/policies be? Will she be an effective leader?

    I think Hillary will try to make Obamacare into a single-payer system. Mr. Obama claimed this transition was part his long-term game. Single-payer health care will be a great thing for the country as the current public-private Frankenstein is the most inefficient structure possible.

    However, I do worry about foreign policy. She has been quite clear that she is a 'Hawk' compared to Obama's 'Dove.' This attribute will likely lead to more wars of aggression to benefit our "allies" and maintain hegemony.

    I don't trust her. She strikes be as fake and contrived. What's the alternative? The GOP is going to throw a Hail Mary with some shit candidate like Santorum.

  11. RonD1120

    It is a blood born pathogen as opposed to an airborne pathogen.

    Do Not Exchange Bodily Fluids.

    Treat it like HIV/AIDS.

    Wrong. It's not like HIV at all. You can't get HIV from coughing or sneezing, but you can contract Ebola this way. A preliminary study in Canada showed that Ebola can be transmitted via airborne droplets.

    Ebola is filovirus, which are notoriously sloppy at replication. This leads to a fast mutation rate.

    I'm sure that the health care workers were having unprotected sex with the victims and sharing heroin needles. /s

  12. Blood products for hospitals is a $4.5B industry. A hospital will pay the blood bank ~$250 for every donation you make.

    Time = Money. In this case too.

    That said, it's a great thing to do. I myself donate when I can.