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Gear Reviews posted by blueshrew

  1. This is my first owned canopy, but I demoed a few things before buying it. The minute I was under it, I knew that was it. I just felt very safe under it, for whatever reason.

    The thing I noticed very early is an unbelievable lift in landing compared to other beginner/intermediate models I'd tried. It's as responsive but as inagressive as I want it to be.
    If I were to recommend a canopy to a novice with mostly good landings, that would be it.

  2. I am quite small and there's rarely anything that fits me properly, but this baby is like a second skin. The cut-in laterals are amazing.
    I am definitely sticking with this rig (unless Sunpath makes something even better ;) ).
    Sunpath service was also great.

  3. When I started skydiving all I heard was people complaining about reserves, from openings to landings. Well their mistake in not buying a PDR.
    My experience is that it has a fast but soft opening, and great landing characteristics. It felt almost exactly like a 9-Cell-Zero-P landing.
    I will definitely never think twice about which reserve to buy.