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Everything posted by ltfabf

  1. Thanks guys for all your replies! I get what you mean by being bored by the canopy after a while etc. and the skills that will be learnt on a smaller canopy. And I can still do accuracy jumps with the Spectre which was what I try and do on each jump (slowly getting better and more consistent with this) but I think and keep getting told that having 200+ jumps with a F111 canopy doing accuracy landings for the most part will help the most in the long run! Thanks again for all your words of wisdom everyone! I might end up getting both, flying the Spectre first then moving to the Fury. Does anyone know if a Fury be used for wingsuiting?
  2. There is a Fury 220 for sale that I am looking at as well as a Vector 3 with a 190 spectre. Of these two options, considering I will be Skydiving for another year or so at minimum before getting into BASE, which will be the better option to prepare me for my end goal?
  3. Thanks for the quick replies everyone! Originally I was looking at used F111 Canopies, after reading an article by Steph Davis I started looking at the Spectre and the Storm. With a F111 Canopy, for my weight, what would be the recommended WL/Canopy Size? There is a Raven 2 218 for sale on ebay that is defintly less then 1/3 of the price of the Storm!
  4. Hi guys and gals, Was hoping someone could shed a little light on WL for the PD Storm. I'm looking at getting a 230. My weight with gear is about 182-183lbs which will give me a WL of 0.79. I am a student just about to get my A License with 33 jumps and got into skydiving with the dream of BASE jumping one day (Not in a rush to get there and want to prepare for this as best as possible). From everything I've been learning its recommended to be flying a 7-cell in the skydiving environment to prepare for BASE to be extremely familiar with the flight characteristics of a 7-cell canopy. I spoke to a rigger about it and he thinks this WL will be too light. Was hoping for some more recommendations about this. Don't want to rush into purchasing a canopy that isn't going to work for me. Thanks in advance!