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Posts posted by Nemo

  1. Thanks to the two posters for your input.

    I was only looking for info on the rigger roll, but am very happy to have the refresher on the requirements for selling a canopy, and what is included/not included.

    I don't have a copy of Poynter's handy, so the other bit of info is most welcome!

  2. Hi Friends,

    I am about to sell a main canopy, and was wondering if there was a useful or preferred method to prepare it for shipping.
    Is there such a thing as the 'rigger roll'? If yes, is it useful in this situation?

    I would be most grateful if someone could explain the technique and answer the above questions.

    Many thanks,


  3. Wassup Caffeine,

    Define 'close by'. Which time of year? Winter, spring summer or fall?
    I live in Bermuda, and am planning a trip to Florida in a couple of weeks. If it was warmer, I would visit Crosskeys, NJ. This spring I will probably broaden my horizons and visit a few of the east coast DZ's.
    Also, click on the dropzones link in the header and read some of the reviews.


  4. Hey friends,

    I am very glad to see the recent posts in this thread, so a big thank you to everyone for dropping in and sharing some memories.
    I worked at the Bermuda Intl. Airport (formerly Kindley Field AFB) for four and a half years until quite recently, and know the layout quite well. Much has changed since the handover to civvy control, but much has also remained the same.
    I heard one story recently from a couple who live on Smith's Island, which took place when rounds were the main of choice. One morning a small military load got blown off target (mis-spotted perhaps?) and one jumper landed in the backyard of a house on Smith's Island. The man was so shaken that he could barely speak, but managed to ask for a glass of brandy. It turned out that he was the instructor for the load. Fortunately for him the entire load was found unharmed and ready to go up again.

    One day in the near future I hope to make a few jumps of my own here in Bermuda. Stay tuned!!!

    Until next,


  5. Well alrighty then!

    I forgot to include travel dates in my initial post, so here goes. It looks like either the last weekend in July or first weekend in August.

    Anybody know the operating hours of the Farm? Any weekdays? I know, I know, give them a call or email.

    For all of you who suggested CK, this is for you: CrossKeys rocks! Just feeling like trying someplace different that's all, especially since I plan to visit CK in September.



  6. Hey folks,

    I have a long weekend to celebrate, and would like to visit a different dz. Criteria are below. Can you assist?

    The dz must have:

    - Good vibes, friendly people.
    - A relatively large landing area. Good outs would be a bonus.
    - at least one turbine aircraft to help me make 5 or 6 jumps per day.
    - camping or a bunkhouse.

    I can pick up a reasonably priced ticket to the east coast, hence I would prefer somewhere on the east coast, preferably within 100 miles of a major airport such as Philly, Baltimore, anyplace in New England, etc.
    Easy access via train or bus would be most excellent. I would rather not have to rent a car, because if the weather is jumpable, there won't be much need for a car. Unless I am way out in the boonies somewhere.

    I have been to Cross Keys, Deland, Z-Hills, Lake Wales, SDC, Ultimate High PC (Vancouver Island), Puerto Rico, and the Ranch (NY). It is a bit too hot for me to visit Florida right now, so that is why I am thinking central-east coast.

    Many thanx in advance,


    ps I only have a dial-up connection, so reading all of the dz reviews takes far too long, and choosing between dz's is even harder.

    Here fishy fishy!

  7. Hello Everyone,

    I am attending the Xtremedivers boogie, and looking for options regarding transportation from the San Juan airport to the Hotel Rosa del Mar in Hatillo.

    Can anybody give advice? Alternatives for transport other than hitchkiking?

    I gladly pay my own way, but am trying to minimize the ground travel costs.

    I arrive at San Juan at approx 1130 p.m. Wednesday (tomorrow) Feb 9.

    Please and thank you,


  8. Hello again,

    Many thanx to those who have posted on this thread.

    Here is an aerial photo for those who have seen the view before, and also for those who haven't but are interested.


    ps Hey Slotperfect, I am stunned that it was a relatively cheap place for training! Must be one of those military perks!

    Hey justaman, I don't eat much lobster, but I can totally understand how it would be a great supplement to mil-chow and McDonalds!

  9. Hello Everyone and Anyone,

    When the US Navy/Airforce used to run the airfield in Bermuda there were plenty of training/fun jumps. We also had several airshows, some of which I attended in the 1980's. That was my first introduction to skydiving, other than seeing jumpers on TV.

    Several months ago our daily newspaper ran a 'time-capsule' article about a military jumper being "rescued" from the water. According to the article, the jumper involved was Sgt. James Rhea, who was doing a jump as part of the Kindley Air Force Base Veteran's Day. The article does not state whether it was an intentional water landing. It does not give a date for the above-mentioned jump either.

    I would really like to hear from anyone who has jumped in Bermuda, or anyone who knows someone who has jumped in Bermuda. I know that the Golden Knights have jumped here, as well as members of the EOD, and if I remember correctly, the Budlight/Coors/Miller demo teams if there are such teams.

    If you have pictures to share, that would be awesome.

    As a newbie, as someone who was born and raised in Bermuda, and as someone who would love to jump here, I appreciate any and all responses. Please post , pm, or email me.

    Many thanx in advance,


    ps If you know the Sgt. in the article, please say hello!

    pps No spellchecking here.

  10. Happy Belated Birthday Dee!!!!!

    I sort of forgot, which isn't bad considering that I almost didn't know it was your B'day!?! I did have a note on my office calendar but wasn't there to see the reminder. Does any of that make sense to anyone but myself?

    Anyways, hugs from Bermuda. We shall have a beer together asap. I will be visiting Florida next month, so who knows, I may just end up in your neighbourhood..............

    Peace out,


  11. Rather interesting thread, folks.

    Based on research (mostly other people's), the only thing I can add to this debate is a bit of help with the origins of the name Lucifer.

    Lucifer, it would seem, has nothing at all to do with the devil, whether you believe in the evil bastard or not. The word is of latin origin which means 'morning star'. The morning star we all know and love is also called Venus.

    The quote from Isaiah 14:12 is actually about a fallen Babylonian king, who persecuted Jews during his reign.

    So if you believe in the Devil, Satan or Dr. Evil himself, just don't call him Lucifer. I hear he hates that.


  12. Thanks for the replies everyone.

    I was trying not to go to Ck, at least until this coming weekend. I am in Baltimore for a conference, and was hoping to experience someplace else.

    I love CK and will be there from Thursday Sept 16 until Monday the 20. You just can't keep me away from CK!!!!!!!!!!

    Later folks,


  13. Hello Everybody,

    I have a few days off in Baltimore (Inner Harbour to be exact) and wouldn't mind making a jump or two.

    I have already searched for a nearby DZ but can't seem to pinpoint anything. Can you help?

    I am looking for any and all DZ's that may be near Baltimore. Cessna, turbine, whatever. All I really require is good vibes, good people, and an aircraft to jump from. Preferably an hour or less in travel time to get there, but will travel further if the place rocks.

    Many thanx in advance,


    ps This thread may be moved to a different forum, but I figured it would get more exposure in GSD