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  1. No, you could see a person there as well, I would say they were about 2.5 kilometres away. The other skydivers, there were three of them I think, were a couple of kilometres to the left, and still way up there when the other one dissapeared from my view. The other ones seemed to be just hanging there watching, you see them all the time here, and usually they come down fairly quick, corkscrewing down, but these ones were just sitting up there.
  2. I think there was a crash here a couple of hours ago. I was coming back from walking my dogs and I heard the sound of the chutes above so I looked up and could see them up in the cloud. Several minutes later I noticed one of them had the chute tangles and was falling straight down. The chute was in a line if you know what I mean, just like if you pick a handkerchief up in the middle and hold it, and was twisted around. To be honest they didn't seem to be falling all that fast, but maybe looks are deceiving, as they had nothing much to slow them down, apart from a small white chute above the main chute. I watched to see if they would deploy the reserve chute but they didn't. Maybe it wouldn't work or maybe they froze in fright.