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Posts posted by hech117

  1. Zlew

    There is a good sticky (i think it's still there...) in the photo/video forum that has a list of small format incidents/issues. Many of them are people fucking themselves up or putting themselves at risk due to being distracted by the camera, and not paying attention to what they needed to be paying attention to.

    edit to add the link=- http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=3894693;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread

    Incredibly helpful Zlew, Thanks:)

  2. Hi all,

    I am a beginner skydiver and industrial design student in Boston conducting research on helmet design.

    This survey will help me find solutions to common helmet problems in a wide array of sports (mostly skydiving). My aim is to design a universal helmet with camera mount.

    Please take this survey to help me research my for my senior thesis:


    Any other comments or suggestions to problems you face with your helmet system (camera mount or not) are also welcome in the thread.


    Hech :)

  3. hech117

    Hi all,

    I am a beginner skydiver and industrial design student in Boston researching ideas for my senior thesis. Do any of you have any common problems pertaining to skydiving that you would like to address whether big or small, these tips could help me design a possible solution around it and graduate with an awesome skydiving product. Any type of problems and information you or others you know have experienced will be really useful!



    Ok everyone my design direction has expanded to other sports as well as skydiving. I need your help and need you to take this survey on helmet design:


    I really really appreciate it


  4. hech117

    Hi all,

    I am a beginner skydiver and industrial design student in Boston researching ideas for my senior thesis. Do any of you have any common problems pertaining to skydiving that you would like to address whether big or small, these tips could help me design a possible solution around it and graduate with an awesome skydiving product. Any type of problems and information you or others you know have experienced will be really useful!



    Hey again,

    Here is the preliminary proposal for me thesis topic. Let me know what you all think:

    Skydivers are a unique group of people who are very passionate about the sport, and being part of this community is just as much about making new friends as it is about jumping out of a plane. Because of this I want to design my senior thesis based around this very sport that I grow to love more each day.

    The skydiving industry is a very small and specialized market; therefore the equipment used requires very specific needs and functional ability. If there is one tangible thing skydivers value it is their equipment. Because skydivers place an enormous amount of importance and trust in their gear, my proposal is to identify a need or problem with the equipment and design a solution around it. Since there are many pieces of equipment used in skydiving I have plenty of opportunity to explore different areas of product interactions. Some examples are better helmets equipped for cameras, canopy locators during a cutaway and tools for packing a chute faster.

    I have many resources in which to research from; my local drop zone, JumpTown located in Orange, Massachusetts, online forums, books, media and myself. Being a licensed skydiver I am able to be an integral part of the research as well as using the more experienced jumpers at the drop zone. Doing preliminary research through an online forum I discovered that other jumpers are very excited and willing to talk about innovative product idea developments and solutions within the sport.

    This is a sport were problems can occur quite often, so the design impact of this project could be monumental. Any contribution I can do to fix a problem or identify a need would spark interest in the community and eliminate the disconnect between user and design. Some topics in this field include: general safety, photography, packing process, training, equipment maintenance, multi way formations, free-flying, etc. This project would allow me to give back to the skydiving community through design and be a branding opportunity for myself as well.

  5. riggerrob

    Safety whistles

    Propeller brakes

    a tilting floor for students who are slow on climb-out

    a clicker for AFF Instructors

    a jumpsuit with electronic aids to assist students in arching

    a puffer to blow air up students' noses to remind them to breath

    tow wigglers to remind students to relax

    a suction bag for riggers

    All great stuff guys, can wait to start researching more. Everyone has been a huge help!:)

  6. *** Are you mech or electrical?

    I am an industrial designer, which covers a wide range of product design. Anything from cars, shoes, toys, appliances, athletic gear, etc. Electrical and mechanical features can be integrated into any design and I can work within both fields.

    This is my final project as a design student where we have to solve a problem in a topic we are passionate about.

    The best information comes from you guys since you are the direct source to the skydiving world. All ideas are welcome.

  • Hi all,

    I am a beginner skydiver and industrial design student in Boston researching ideas for my senior thesis. Do any of you have any common problems pertaining to skydiving that you would like to address whether big or small, these tips could help me design a possible solution around it and graduate with an awesome skydiving product. Any type of problems and information you or others you know have experienced will be really useful!

