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Posts posted by Scottyb

  1. Thanks Mark,
    Packerboy did pm me and is going to see if he can get some people together to make a few loads. Skydivers are great, no matter what DZ it is there is always some who will try and get you on a load.

    Can't wait to visit Ganaoque!

    Scott & Teri

  2. Skydive Gananoque, does anyone know their summer hours. Are they open during the week? We are heading up there in early August and would like to get a couple of jumps in. I emailed them but got no response.

    Thanks for any info


  3. That was first thing my Rigger asked. did you open the container without removing the pilot chute from the pouch? of course the answer was yes, he showed me how easy it is to "lock" the bridle in the container. I will not be making that mistake again. I'm just glad I'm here and able to learn from my mistake.


  4. Had my first malfunction today and am thankful for all the training & EP practice. Jumping with a friend today had a great RW jump our first jump. I usually let the packers pack my rig because it's a newer ZP and my bag is a little small and it's a real challenge to get into the bag, but today we had plenty of time between loads so he said he would help me with packing. My friend watched & checked my pack job but I wasn't happy with the way the bridle looked so we opened the container & fixed the bridle and closed the container. Neither of us noticed the side flap closed over top of the bridle.

    Jump was uneventful, broke @ 5k and tracked pulled at 3,800 and nothing! looked back and saw the pilot chute in tow reached for the bridle once and pulled silver. Landed out but in a good spot. Jumper on the next load also landed out and found the freebag.

    So needless to say I could have avoided this reserve ride by checking the bridle routing and I will do so before every jump from now on. I will also get a bottle to my rigger and I thank all of the instructors that drilled those emergency procedures in my head so I didn't panic when the time came to use them.

  5. Thanks Chris,
    It will be nice to meet you! We stopped by last year and the clouds were tough so we hope to be able to get a jump or two in this year. I don't know what day it will be but it's only about 1-1/2 hours from where we will be. Hope to see you there

    Scott & Teri

  6. Your right Kristen, It's about having fun and being safe to have another great day at CK! Swooo jumps are the best! I can't remember when I smiled as much in free fall with you and a "no you dinnent"!!!! and I know Teri was so happy to become a member too.

    How many members are you up to? Just remember we already have our order in for the tee shirts when you get them in!!!!

    See ya soon,

    Scott & Teri

    "Swooo # 321 & 123"

  7. Skydiving is a huge part of my life (next to my wife & kids). As with most of us it occupies my thoughts at some point in everyday. I sill find it amazing that I still get excited every time we get close to the dropzone. Last weekend my wife & I had a weekend without the kids and spent the night out and were off to the dropzone by 7am. After manifesting, the blue skies gave way to clouds & a 4,000 ft ceiling. We stayed hoping it would clear and it was announced they were manifesting for "high speed hop & pops out of the skyvan at 3,500ft".

    I said to Teri I have got to try this, she said she would pass. It was incredible ! What a rush leaping out of the skyvan going 150 knots. I explained to her what a thrill it was and she was on the next 2 hop & pop loads with me. The clouds lifted and I met a fellow skydiver with well over 1,000 jumps and he asked if I wanted to do something, I explained my skill level to him and we worked out a jump.

    The 2 way was awesome we turned 5 points and tracked & pulled. The spot was way off so I knew there was no way to make it back and set up for my first (beer!) landing off. Stood up the landing in the soy bean field and met the other 3 jumpers that also landed off and we were promptly offered a ride back to the dz by a man driving by.

    The next jump my wife & I got to kiss in freefall for a few thousand feet, and she ended her day by joining the "Swoooo" club. What a great day! It impresses me that no matter how many jumps you have or what the weather is, skydivers are great people and I am proud to be one of them, and thats what it's all about to me.

    Sorry to rant, I'm just curious what is it all about to everyone else?


  8. Thanks for the support, if this idea can be done it will take the help of caring people like you guys & gals to make it happen. If anyone knows someone that may have some ideas on the logistics of the skydiving end of the challenge of multiple disabled tandem jumpers as well as solo disabled jumpers in the air at the same time, any info would be helpful.

    A few questions I have is what are the requirements for a record? do all of the jumpers have to link for it to count? Can tandem masters link without fear of the drouge chute getting tangled? Minor details (LOL) for people with disabilities so my sister says. I still have to talk to the DZO and others this weekend and hopefully they will have some ideas.

    I'll let everyone know what I find out and if you have any other ideas please let us know.


  9. It all sounds good, I think our first step is to talk it over with the DZO and see if he thinks it's possible before we start asking for sponsors and $$$$MONEY$$$!!! It would be an awesome thing to do and if we can get Bill Vance and others and put our heads together, with a lot of work and lots of luck it could happen. I wont be over to the drop zone until next weekend but I will talk to the owner and the jumpmasters and see what they have to say. If anyone else has any ideas put them out there and we will see where it goes. Thanks
