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Posts posted by Absolut

  1. Hey,
    i got a Piranha 2. I only got around 30 jumps on it so I don't know how much my advice will help you. Also this is my first wingsuit too. I really like the suit. I mean the price is just great for starters. The build quality is really good, although you do notice some points that are nicer with other "more expensive" models, but that's just details. It was made for me and really fit me well. I like the way it flies, it definately got some power if you learn how to fly it, but the feeling is a little bit different to the phantoms since they got the wings attached to the hips while here the wing comes a little bit more down, giving you the feeling of "sliding" more than cutting the air (very minor), but that's just my impression. I can only recommend this suit as a first wingsuit, especially since you mentioned that you're on a tight budget, if you won't find a used suit this would definately be my go to. But time my advice with caution. Also I'm not sponsored or anything by them ;-) blue skies, hope this helps at least a little

  2. That's exactly the problem i have with this device. It's just not worth it. Even if you have a cutaway, chances are pretty high that you will find your canopy as long as it's out of the bag, if not that's the time you wished you had this installed :-) plus i'm still not sure how this thing interacts with your everyday jumping, how about dirt, lying the rig on the ground while packing and applying pressure on the unit and so on. Don't really see it being a thing.

  3. In general, digital altimeters are not recommended to jumpers with little experience, because you actually have to read the number it shows instead of just looking at the position of the needle on an analog. This means that you need a far better awareness and it might take more time too. I would recommend you to keep using an analog altimeter till you got at least 100+ jumps, preferably more, then get a viso2, that's at least what i'm using and i love it.

  4. What he said: relax, take your time. The first seconds you'll lose very little altitute, you just go with the speed of the plane until you slow down horizontally and start accelerating vertically (at the same time). We do even 2 way headdown exits on hopnpops and one or two quick docks before seperation and pull, so really, you don't have to pull right out the door, take a few seconds.

  5. Either you will find somebody on the dropzone who can introduce you to it or you go to bigger boogies with loadorganizers. Most of the time there are beginner angle/tracking groups with a coach where you can get a good feeling for it and who will give you feedback. It's senseless trying to learn it by yourself. And yeah, the really steep angles are a thing for it's own.

  6. Ok, better might be the wrong word, i agree. Almost any wing on the market today if flown correctly can be landed in a nice and soft way. My personal opinion is that i prefer a little more forward drive during landing instead of the "sinking in" behaviour, which is very minimal with the spectre at the right wingloading though. The difference here is small, still prefer the safire as i'm also probably more used to it. Put around 300 jumps on mine in the past and always loved it.