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  1. This started when I bought 4 Groupon vouchers to go tandem skydiving with this company. First, I called the # provided on the voucher that it tells you to call in order to schedule, and they told me that I need to call Groupon because they do all the scheduling now for Groupon purchasers. When I did call Groupon they had no clue what I was talking about. I had to be transferred to 3 different people to figure it out. Anyway, I scheduled to go Nov 3 (this was two months prior). Within those two months, I had called the company to try buy a regular ticket for a friend, and first they told me they will no longer honor a Groupon purchased prior to sept 2013 (mine was bought in June) and I should call Groupon for a refund because they won't honor it. This didn't sound right, so a few days later I called again, this time a woman told me that was inaccurate and she saw us on the schedule for Nov 3 and all is fine. My friend went ahead and purchased a separate ticket, (for $300) and all seemed fine. Three days before the jump, I called to double check the time we needed to be at the jump site, and a woman told she didn't see us on the schedule AT ALL, plus she couldn't find my name or any of our names in the system, including my friend who had just bought a regular ticket. She did say however, that she just happens to have an opening for Nov 3 at the 11am slot. So I told her to put us back in that time slot and there will be 5 people going. The next day, I called again to double check that we were still scheduled and a lady said, yep, we have you down for 4 people. So once again, I said no, there are 5 of us. She said ok. Now 1 day before the jump a guy from the company called me to confirm and he said we have you on the schedule for 4 people. Once again, I said no, it's 5 people. So Nov 3 comes and we're driving up to the site, when a phone call comes in and the guy tells me they're crop dusting around the site and had to cancel and they had NO clue they'd be crop dusting today. I called the airport he said they were doing it out of and they said they weren't crop dusting at all. This company requires you to give a 72 hr cancellation notice, but they can give you a one hour notice and not refund your ticket. (my friend asked to refund the non-Groupon ticket he'd bought). I understand if the weather is bad, but my guess is they were overbooked. This company is not worth trusting your life to. That is for sure. If they skydive the same way they schedule, everyone is screwed. At this point, I'm glad it happened, because there were major red flags leading up to today that told me not to go. Good luck!