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Posts posted by Raefordite

  1. Tony & I sold SKY KAT Gear Shop in 2003. It was re-named to SkyCat Equipment. Just this month, we have purchased the store front back. We are now:
    YNot Today
    Open Monday - Friday

    Hope we can help!

  2. Lots of folks here at Fort Bragg have had it done. Apparently Uncle Sam thinks RPK is better than Lasik.

    I have had Lasik (now 9 years ago). Very little discomfort. Great results to this day. I stayed away from jumping for 2 weeks.

    Post op RPK is a different story (so I am told by a few that have had it done). Much more pain after and longer recovery.

    Good luck!

  3. Quote

    This is for all you women 40 years and over.... and for those who are turning 40, and for those who are scared of moving into their 40's... AND for guys who are scared of girls over 40!!!!...This was written by Andy Rooney from CBS 60 Minutes.

    From one over 40 - it's a whole lot easier being over 40 than just over 21.

  4. Quote

    And Kate....shouldnt you be in the bar right now?? Who won 1st and 2nd in the pool?

    No way man! Thomas doesn't have a "no smoking" section this year. Hey TThac has an 8 person golf tournament goin on during the superbowl at Aviator's. I bet they miss your skills - with the game that is.

  5. Quote

    How about the one with all the chicks singing and dancing in their food dresses (tomato, meat, pickles, etc) eventually to pile up and form a giant women whopper???

    Strangest... commercial... ever...

    I thought that commercial was sad at best, then when they got the chicks to pile up for a sandwich, it went to sick.

  6. NOOO! Oh my! You people have noooo idea how much you have stressed me!

    I am a first time cat owner. You know the old story - young cat wandered up and refused to leave (because it was feasting out of the dog bowl and local birds).

    So all this vomiting, hairball whatever stuff is what I have to look forward to?[:/]

  7. Quote

    because it can be seen as positive or negative thing.

    You are absolutely right. Consider what you have accomplished in the sport.

    I have a number of jumps and a few skydiving credentials to go behind it. So if I were to add my skydiving experience, licensing and credentials - no matter how unrelated to the position I am seeking, it shows diversification, individualism, goal oriented, the list can go on. Positive attributes.

    However, if I just started jumping, limited experience, perhaps that stereo-typing of "immature, death-wish" thing you referred to may pop up. Or the employer may think I will be too preoccupied with my newly found skydiving hobby and simply be too distracting while at work to either myself or my work mates.

    Something to consider.

  8. Quote

    Some eye candy around the dz would really be nice!

    Come to Raeford. We have a complete selection of men around here. An easy 10:1 ratio of available Male:Female

  9. http://www.cybertec.net/
    I have been with these folks for years now. Both for my present website www.jumpraeford.com and previous more complicated ones.
    Good service, rare to have down time.


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  10. You can bet your bottom dollar I plan to get in the tunnel during the Feb. USPA board of director's meetings! While the board is solving all of our troubles in Phoenix, I'll be flying at your place! ;)

    Eloy must have perfect weather in Feb.