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Dropzone Reviews posted by CCGV19

  1. I did a tandem here a few years back and was blown away by the professionalism. I felt like I was the most important person they had meet. Kudos to their team for their big focus on safety and having fun along the way. I moved to NC in July of 2014. I have been visiting the Dropzone almost every weekend. I have made over 100+ jumps here as a licensed skydiver and here is what I have to say:

    1. Great Vibe- very safe, fun jumpers love it. the owners are awesome and staff seems like they love their job.
    2. Very clean. You can judge a place by its bathrooms and other areas and theirs are spotless. Great feeling for anyone new to advanced to have clean showers and bathrooms every time. Their aircraft fleet is kept to the highest standards. They have a modified King Air, a Grand Caravan and a Cessna 182. I have flown it all 3 aircraft many times. The King Air will climb like a beast and they generally have it turning loads. The door is a little smaller than Caravan but the thing can climb like a champ! The Caravan has all the room you would ever need and then some. The door is big enough to launch some really big RW or head down, sit etc. We have 10+ ways out of the Caravan. The Cessna is smaller but good for Hop N Pops or days during the week with less activity. All of their planes and well kept and feel new inside.
    3. Video/ Picture Staff very friendly and they can give really good advice for those looking to do what they do.
    4. Have a good great store on site.
    5. Some of the best Packers- very good openings and they can pack quick!
    6. Fun after hours here as well. Come out and introduce yourself and you will be part of the crew.
    7. Worth the drive from Charlotte, NC. I will keep coming back again and again.

  2. So I have been all over the place for Skydiving! I have jumped all around New York and Upstate New York, South Carolina, North Carolina, Texas, Hawaii, Florida and the Keys, Alaska, Cananda, and Califorina.

    Zhills has it all! They Welcome everyone and safety is big. They also are available for teaching. I live in Upstate New York and escape to Florida when the weather at home is too cold and snowy for jumping. I came down for a Boggie and then canceled my flights home because I had so much fun. I have been down 3 times this winter and also stopped at other dropzones in FL including Sebastian, JUMP Florida, Skydive Lake Whales, DeLand. Zhills is my favorite DZ because of such a great mix of people, vibe, aircraft, organizing, training, swoop pond ( I don't swoop yet but its fun to watch ). I did my water training here as well as my Flight 1 and 2 Canopy courses and B License requirements. Made my first Night jumps, Free Fly's, head-down flying, big-ways, and more importantly made lots of friends that I keep in touch with even though I am back in Buffalo.

    The name say it all it truly is a "Skydive City" Zhills has great riggers, packers, staff to teach Tandems, AFF, Coaching, Advanced progression, Free Flying, Wingsuiting, and even obtain all or any ratings through Bram and his staff at Skydive Ratings which is on Site at Zhills.

  3. I had made a few Tandem Skydives before while on vacation and really had a blast. I decided to take a friend who was visiting Buffalo and I wasn't sure where to go. I went to Google to search for places near Buffalo. After finding out safety history and making phone calls I found WNY Skydiving. I spoke with Tim (the Owner) let me tell you this guy is awesome. He has a strong passion and energy for Skydiving the "right & Safe way".

    On the day of the Skydive we were told to be there early for briefing/ instruction before the skydive. I was a little unsure where to go but the Staff were all very friendly and explained what and with who we needed to meet. Training was clear and it was off to Skydive. They had a good time in the plane on the way up to altitude and they kept me loose and excited. I was the first out. Once the Door opened we looked for the spot and Tim told me to lean my head back and focus on my arc!

    It was amazing! I recommend it to everyone there is nothing like it. The freefall was great and under the canopy was even more fun. I got to grab the Toggles with Tim's help and control our turns. We had a soft and smooth flare at the end and landed just great!

    Fast Forward I enjoyed Tim & his staff soo much that I went back and did my ground school and AFF with WNY Skydiving! I earned my A License and now have my B License. Tim and others have continued to look out for my safety and helped me choose the right gear for my needs not my wallet. There have been days where weather was not good for jumping and they kept positive spirits before calling weather hold. I am glad we didn't jump in bad weather as another dropzone in Buffalo did and they had a major accident. I am glad that WNY Skydiving takes safety to the highest level.

    Their whole operation is professional and I love going back. For first timers I highly recommend the video and still photographs they were well worth it and my buddy was bummed he didn't get a video after watching mine.

    Go visit WNY Skydiving they have an excellent staff and will take care of you!