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Posts posted by xsniper

  1. BillyVance

    ***Did you notice what he did at very end of this short video? Maybe I am wrong, but it looks like a sign language for 'dad.

    That's the sign for "dad" in sign language, yes. Only that wasn't his intent. It's the sign these fucking Ole Miss Rebel defensive players use to call themselves the "Landsharks". :S

    Better watch out for those Landsharks...this could be three years in a row!!!

  2. gowlerk

    ***Bullshit. This administration had been sicking them left and right. Look at the Furgeson shooting. There was a shot inside the car over a fight for the officers weapon, a cop with injuries to the face, a clear case and they got investigated.

    Not at all saying the 35 on the list are angels, but to measure the level of our troubles against the willingness to investigate to appease the liberal anti-cop masses is a joke.

    Your anger at the desire to hold police accountable for their actions is a joke. Liberals like me are not anti cop. , nor are the masses. We are anti police abusing their powers.

    We all understand that the thin blue line is needed to stand between civilization and anarchy. And we all bleed and feel pain when one of them pays the price in performing their duty.

    But there can be no denying that a small subset of officers are attracted to the job for the wrong reasons. There can also be no denying that minorities in general, and black people in particular have been the targets of discriminatory policing by some.

    Liberals, and even some conservatives want to use the modern tools available to prevent inappropriate police behavior and to remove police who are not professional in their actions.

    In the Ferguson case it is pretty clear to objective people that Darren Wilson was not guilty of wrong doing other than the way he started the interaction with Micheal Brown. In my mind Brown was the author of his own misfortune. But it is just as true that the subsequent investigation revealed a systemically racist civic government with a police department to match.

    I also find the slogan "black lives matter" to be an unfortunate choice. There is simply a word missing from it. It's there in the subtext, but people are refusing to acknowledge that fact. The real meaning of the slogan is "black lives matter too". If you read it that way, which is the idea it is intended to put across, you will find little to offend you.

    We need police to keep the streets safe. We need oversight of the police to keep them professional. All anyone is asking is for the police to be professionals.

    I find it very hard not to agree with a lot of this. You stated it very well.

  3. ibx


    Cops don't need armored vehicles.
    Nope, no way.............

    IED's you say?
    Nope, no way.

    No, they fucking don't. There is a method called deescalation practiced very successfully by Germany law enforcement. We also have IED laying criminals. We cope without bloody military weap

    Having worked with and trained with German SWAT teams over many years I am not sure your statement is totally accurate. But I also realize to try to make a alternate response is only going to lead to "hellfire". Suffice it to say that they are wonderful operators who I would be proud to work with. Yes, Normiss, change is coming, and change is needed, as it is necessary in many areas of our society and government. But until then, someone still has to have their finger in the hole in the dike.

  4. Depends on the size. I have a medium and it was about $800. But you will never have to replace it. I have gone thru, and cooked the bottom out of, a bunch of various grills. I finally just decided to make the leap about 2 years ago and never wished I hadn't. I can fire it up at 10 PM, settle the temperature, and do a low and slow pork shoulder all night long. When I get up the next morning the temp is right where it should be. I usually wrap the shoulder in foil for a few more hours, rest it in a cooler for another hour, and it just falls apart. All night cook and never added anymore lump charcoal.

  5. I use a Big Green Egg and love it. Living in Florida I grill most every week. Love low and slow cooks, but this is really great steak recipe. It is hot searing followed by a softer finish.

    Apply Dizzy Pig Cow Lick rub (or Montreal Seasoning) generously to one side of the steak. Wait 10 minutes for rub to adhere and then flip and repeat.

    Stabilize grill at about 650. Of course cook time will vary with different grills and steak size, but I find 2 minutes on each side works nicely. bring down the temp to around 400-450, or move steaks away from hot coals, and finish to desired doneness. I like a very pink center so it is 2 more minutes per side.

    If interested I can give you a reverse sear recipe for chicken that is awesome. Best book I have found is Smoking Meat by Jeff Phillips.

  6. normiss

    Except they fundamentally are not the same thing.
    We expect the bad guys to do bad things, no matter their race.
    But that is NOT our expectation when it comes to police officers.
    To me, it is a far bigger crime when an officer of the law commits a crime.
    I think that's the message a lot of folks receive when they see the way the law enforcement community responds. It's almost taken as an insult.
    Meanwhile, the victims of civilian crime are treated entirely different.

    It seems I often disagree with a lot of your opinions in regards to law enforcement, but dang your thoughts here (we expect bad guys to do bad things, and we do not expect that from law enforcement) is absolutely spot on. I totally agree. I also know there are a ton of hard working cops out there that only want to do the right thing.

  7. Iago

    ***Nice shootin' Tex.

    If a fat dude in his underdrawers talking to a lady cop in her squad car is a threat, maybe you're in the wrong line of work.

    These incidents show again and again why police need to lose access to hard ammo as the primary load in their sidearm.

    Gee, that should make things interesting when an officer finds himself in a gunfight !!!

  8. lawrocket

    ***Very Proud of the Lighting. They hung in there thru a good bit of adversity. They are young and might have the opportunity for a return trip over the next couple of years.

    I made Tampa a finals pick months ago. I'll do it again. And the team will be better next year than this year. Tampa isn't losing anybody. Stevie Y has built something that will last for the next five years. And Cooper had a hell of an education. Coaching against Queneville in the Finals. And owning up to making strategic errors. I don't see a hi t of Boudreau in Cooper.

    Tampa is a force. And will be one for the next five years. It is a good time for you to get into the sport. Get down to Amelie Arena for a couple of games. See an NHL game in person and you'll be hooked.

    I have been going to Lighting games since their first season here (they virtually played in a barn). I was at games when other teams openly laughed at them. And then of course their one remarkable season when they beat Calgary. It has been something that my daughter and I have really enjoyed.

  9. Suslique

    get yourself a multicooker, there is an awesome canadian brand called Instant Pot. they are available on Amazon. perfect for so many things and you don't need to waste time by standing by the oven. toddler mom approved :D meat+onion+spices+ghee throw it into the multicooker, cover with washed rice, add some water and enjoy a proper healthy meal in 30 min.

    you can also cook many batches of meat, steam some good old veggies, a bit of carbs (quinoa is fantastic just wash it well before cooking) then let it all cool, put in ziplock bags and freeze for entire week. viola. get out of the freezer, defrost and eat.

    I got the Swiss version of that, it's called a Wife. She also cleans and does the laundry, and does a great job raising the kids B|

    :D:D I so wanted to write that right when the topic was started but resisted, I'm laughing out loud :D

    ME TOO !!!!