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Everything posted by Atimska

  1. Hi, I've been starting wingsuit jumping recently and a fellow jumper mentioned to me that changing the orientation of the pin as well as the routing of the bridle could be beneficial. So, to give you an overview of the setup: > pod is packed upside down into the container, so the grommet is facing down (not grommet-to-grommet, my rig/pod is not agreeing with that) > flaps are closed down, up, right, left; the bridle is positioned below the loop string, so it comes out of the whole flaps-closing-stuff on a 5 o'clock position > routing of the bridle: the bridle goes under the right hand flap, comes out, the pin is positioned straight up, the rest of the bridle goes (again) under the right hand flap, leading to the BOC Does anyone have any advice on this configuration? I thought it more stressfree for the ridle / release process because -other than in a belly to earth flight- the pilot chute as well as the parachute is leaving the rig at a 90 degree angle (at least) - and with a little bit less power due to the reduced airspeed. So the bridle would not go over any flaps, but be pulled out straight under them and the pod can leave the container without turning. So, what do you think?