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Everything posted by DaveAnderson

  1. Not rude at all, I agree it's not a simple problem or system.
  2. I can't offer any advice but I can sympathize, I got whacked hard on a student 280. I either cracked 3 ribs or tore the connective tissue on them (the x-ray wasn't clear and the treatment is the same for either one so I opted to skip a CAT scan). 6 weeks recovery, no real treatment other than "if it hurts don't do it". Video showed no major issues with body position and my instructor thought everything was fine till I landed though he did notice that the canopy opened faster than normal. On a winter weather hold for the next many months. As of right now I'm not sure if I'll get back in the sport or not. As a student we really have to put a lot of faith into the people who pack, select and maintain the gear we are allowed to use. (edit to add: I don't blame anyone, but I do question how mature the industry really is when "sometimes that just happens" is a standard and accepted answer for what causes hard openings)