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Everything posted by ekk20

  1. Thanks! I'm new to the sport and am not all too familiar with stores and Vegas. Nice signature by the way. Thanks dude, have you done any additional AFF training since the last time we've met?
  2. Hi Folks, I'll be visiting Las Vegas in the following week, and I was wondering if there are any stores I can visit that sells gear? I'm looking for helmets, goggles, jumpsuits mainly. Thanks
  3. ekk20

    Skydive Burnaby

    My first visit at Skydive Burnaby was exactly a month ago. I did my tandem, + video and stills. Although I found it a bit pricey initially, I later learned that other drop zones are at the same / comparable rate. Now that I am about to complete my AFP course, I realized that the chief instructor Scott, he is an incredible instructor / friend. Not only does he give clear instructions on the ground (dirt dive and radio parachute landing) he also gives you a lot of confidence, trusting your abilities during free fall. He genuinely cares how well you perform. It's absolutely by luck I found an incredible instructor who I trust enough that his experience will save my life if I mess something up. Although Skydive Burnaby does a lot of tandems, they don't neglect experienced flyers or students, making sure everyone gets to jump, and as a student, making sure I get my jumps required to progress forward (very important). The tandem masters there as well as the camera flyers are all very friendly and would provide you advice at any given time. The admin staff also very friendly and professional, they're always around when you call with questions. It feels more like a big family with common interests at SB than just doing business. The field is well cropped, huge landing area, great scenery. You can see Lake Erie, Niagara Falls, Downtown Toronto if whether permits, and the United States. Owners are awesome too. They are already very reputable so I'm sure this doesn't add anything but reinforces what's been agreed about this drop zone. Also wanted to mention as a student, I've met many experienced folks here who do not work for the drop zone, and they are all very friendly as well. They have a camping area and room with bunk beds, if you decide you want to stay over night with your tent, or use the bunk, it's there for you. I paid $10, the sheets and pillows were clean. I like that there is also a mini fridge in the room. If you're from Toronto, It's definitely a place I recommend for Tandems, especially for AFP course. -Derek
  4. I'm currently a student at Skydive Burnaby. This coming Friday will be ground school which they host I believe once a month. It's 3 Tandem jumps for your first 3 jumps, then you would do ground school, then first solo jump with two instructors, and 6 more with one instructor, and a hop and pop. Come out this Friday, do some tandems during the afternoon and do ground school at 5! The folks there are awesome, I'm pretty happy I chose them as my DZ. Best of luck!