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    The ranch
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  1. Too high and falling down and forward. I was trying a 3 stage flare. Shoulders , torso , then all the way down.
  2. Awesome advice the windstock at my dz is about 12-15 feet so I will try you sugestion. Also I do find myself staring down at the ground which I know is a habbit I need to break. Thank all of u for your advice. It's awesome people like u guys helping out a nobody like me that really makes me love this sport. Blue skies
  3. All my instructors tell me to do is flare harder. I was thinking of wrapping the brake lines but like you said I'm afraid it will make the brakes to short and cause a stall. I guess plc is the best bet for now until I get the hang of it. Thanks for the reply. Blue skies
  4. I am a level 5 aft and so far everything is going great except for my landings. I flare all the way and am pretty good with my plf but I'm affraid if I don't get this right soon I'm going to break something. Everyone at the dz says I'm starting my flare way to early. I was thinking of using a digital alti on my right to try and help. At what alti should I start my flare ? Also I'm pretty short and don't think I'm able to flare enough. Any suggestions ?
  5. Cool I guess I'll stick with the ranch. Thanks for the reply
  6. I have made 2 tandem jumps over the summer and fell totally in love with the sport. Due to money issues I wasnt able to get back out there but plan on hitting the dz every weekend starting in april. My first jumps were at the ranch up in gardiner and while I had a great time not sure how they go about there training. Has anyone done aff there ? Also any other good student options near nyc ? P.S. Everyone have a great new year, have fun, and stay safe out there....Blue Skies
  7. Great advice. Never thought of that as an alarm to arch. Ill keep that in mind when going through my AFF. Thanks
  8. I have only made 2 jumps so far and while I have to say I absolutely love it I hate the initial feeling of my stomach dropping. It only lasts about 10 seconds but im afraid that when I finally make my first solo jump its gonna screw me all up. Is this something to worry about ? Will I just get used to it the more I jump ?