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Posts posted by darkwing

  1. Quote

    Obviously what happened was the guy in the extreme bottom left. Shaved, "respectable" haircut, muscled, clean shirt and looks employed. When people started letting that sort of degenerate in, what did they expect to happen?


    Interesting you should pick him out. He had a troubled life, and has been dead for a few years now. Yes, he was a degenerate, but a lovable one. Now that I look closely, four of those guys are dead, only one of them by skydiving, and he was arguably the best skydiver of the entire group.

    -- Jeff
    My Skydiving History

  2. probably OK, but realize that two canopies, same model, same manufacturer, same size, can vary by several percent in pack volume. One reason it is hard to find canopy pack volume data is because of this intrinsic variation.

    ps - ask the manufacturer.

    -- Jeff
    My Skydiving History

  3. Quote


    As a rigger the first square reserve I packed was the Swift. And if I recall right, there was something you had to do first, maybe get signed off by a Master Rigger or something like that. ...

    Originally you had to get a Ram Air Riggers Certificate, http://www.cofc.edu/~wraggj/images/RamAir.jpg. I was trained by Elek Puskas in Richmond, IN just after the '79 Nationals. I'm not sure when that requirement was eliminated.

    -- Jeff
    My Skydiving History

  4. I am going to politely disagree with your ultimate recommendation here. The event is designed for jumpers such as the original poster. They have mechanisms in place to make it safe and fun. As I said in an earlier post, I have done these events, and when properly designed, as this one seems to be, they are a good thing, especially for the relatively inexperienced.

    -- Jeff
    My Skydiving History

  5. About 1975, and I had about 500 jumps. Have done some scrambles since. In all cases there were people with your experience involved. It is all good. Don't agonize about it. If they set the rules such that you are qualified to enter, nobody expects you to be Airspeed material.

    Often, but not always, there will be a mechanism in place to make sure there is a balance of experience levels on a team. For example, in a 4-way the organizers will try to insure that there is one pro, two intermediates, and one rookie on each team.

    -- Jeff
    My Skydiving History

  6. Yes, it matters. DO NOT WAX. I'm not aware that anybody does, in spite of the feel of some lines. As said above, it creates problems, and solves none (that I am aware of).

    -- Jeff
    My Skydiving History

  7. Quote

    It would suck if this is how a brand new top of the line rig is designed....

    Well it certainly isn't designed that way. These issues seem to me to always be related to packing techniques (main and/or reserve) and canopy sizes. Get some experienced, hands-on help and I'm sure things will get straightened out.

    -- Jeff
    My Skydiving History

  8. I have flown them both, with about 600 on a spectre, and about a dozen on a Sabre2. About 200 on another canopy almost always put in the same category as a Sabre2, the Pilot.

    The Sabre2-class canopies are a lot different than the Spectre. The quick one-word distinction is "zoominess." Spectres are very nice canopies, but they are in a lower performance category. Both canopies have strong followings, and should be considered on their individual merits, rather than what is "better"-- which is only defined by what you need/want.

    -- Jeff
    My Skydiving History

  9. As far as I am concerned it is all about "caveat emptor" and when/if the manufacturers allow transfer of the certificates, which is certainly their call.

    Stupidity is allowed in the marketplace. Heck, most of the population of the world would say that anyone who skydives is exactly that. I'd hate to be prevented from making that "stupid" decision on my own.

    -- Jeff
    My Skydiving History

  10. Quote


    To make it more accurate; only a Master Rigger that was trained & certify by UPT/RWS !!!

    Where does it say that in the FAR's?

    I'd say the part that says "In accordance with the mfr"

    -- Jeff
    My Skydiving History

  11. Chasing Amy rocks my world. I love your attitude. You will be great. Heck, you are great.

    Disclaimer: I have never met them, or jumped at their DZ, or done any business with them...

    -- Jeff
    My Skydiving History

  12. Rather than say "detuned" you should look any canopy as the result of some design parameters, just like airplanes and cars. A hot canopy isn't detuned to be a student canopy, but rather a good student canopy is designed to be a good student canopy. There are different desirable characteristics for each, and designers keep them in mind during R&D.

    For almost any reasonably modern canopy though, the glide angle flattens out with brakes.

    -- Jeff
    My Skydiving History