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Posts posted by Irm1u

  1. Ordered an altimeter off of them in December as part of a promotion they ran, contacted them on march 2., and again on the 7th, they replied with some bogus answer about having troubles delivering all orders in time, and said they would contact me again after checking my order.
    This was the last time I heard something from them...

    Didnt opt for refund trough paypal since I only paid for shipping as part of the promotion, and thought I would just wait it out. Now 6 months Im pretty sure they wont fulfill my order.

    Chances are, if they cant fulfill my order from december, they probably wont give you shit for your money as well.

    I dont care about the pennies I lost, but please dont give them any more opportunities to scam people!

  2. Hi, I have been searching high and low for an online store that sells chest strap extension. The only store that I can find with this item in stock, wants double the price of the item, for shipping it to Norway. (

    Anyone know of a cheaper option?

    Yes, I know that you can get the strap replaced, but its sewn to the main harness, and therefore a special sewing machine is needed to replace it.

  3. skydivecat

    Not to nitpick, but why were you jumping a reserve that hadn't been packed in 8 months? I am honestly curious as I thought 6mos was the mandatory repack cycle.

    12 months for private equipment in Norway aswell, so guess its normal in several countries.

  4. Southern_Man

    There is a difference (important for the O.P.) between collapsing the slider and collapsing the slider and stowing it behind the head or removing it completely. The risers spreading and getting a more anhedral shape to your wing are a function of moving it from the risers either behind your head or off completely. I agree completely that you will see a difference in flying characteristics by putting it behind your head even on a large canopy. I think you will see very, very little difference in performance, to the point of not being noticeable, by collapsing the slider and leaving it at the slinks.

    If you want to collapse the slider and put it behind your head you will need to have a rig without slink hats (or slider bumpers for French links)

    Also gives you the choice to improve the canopy even more by opening up your chest strap. Wich will not have any effect if the slider is not pulled down.

  5. I am fairly new to this sport, but I would probably say that i love canopy flying as much as the freefall itself. Hard to describe why, they are two totally different aspects of the same sport.
    But it probably has something to do with my love of just being in the air. I know most people will argue with me when i call it flying, but I think it comes pretty close to it, even tough you are flying a wing and not your body.