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Posts posted by skyhawk

  1. Quote


    I dream of a world that can utilize its knowledge and resources
    for the advancement of mankind not its detriment. I dream of the day
    when corporations will discontinue -- on their own -- the production of products
    that are harmful to humanity and the environment
    -- no matter what the financial loss --
    the moral choice will be made when there is evidence that a product is causing illness and damage.

    Greg Smith
    September 2000

    i find that most ppl with lots of book smarts lack any common sense his comments on corporations show this, sure some may think it would be nice but think about it if the companys
    " discontinue -- on their own -- the production of products that are harmful to humanity and the environment- - no matter what the financial loss -- "
    then they will go bankrupt, tens of thousands of ppl will lose there jobs, no products will be created and the economy would collapse,
    hmm hope he never does make it to president

    book smarts are rarely as useful as street smarts(common sense)

  2. Quote

    'assistance' from the Australians whatever that means...

    A total of about 2000 Australian troops are expected to join US forces in the Persian Gulf, including 150 Australian SAS soldiers. The deployment consists of:
    14 RAAF F/A-18 Hornet aircraft
    Three transport planes: C-130
    Three navy ships: HMAS Kanimbla; HMAS Anzac; HMAS Darwin

    prob more now

  3. sorry this was from the other thread but it was locked

    Beautiful beaches?? Do I hear the words "Great White Shark" here? .

    what do sharks have to do with beaches, there are some but the majority of beaches are shark free.


    I think I'd try to escape a country that was founded on criminal colonies and never had the strength to stand on it's own feet

    wtf that was 200yrs ago, how have we never had the strength to stand on our own feet, we have asssisted in pretty much every war since becoming a nation, almost all of the time backing up either the UK or US, infact we sent and lost troops in vietnam, korea, the gulf etc etc, we have also already sent troops to the gulf for this time round and have been behind the US for the last 50 yrs as we count you as both friends and allies, we have paid for this not only in wartime but also bali and the no doubt numerous attempted attacks on aus by al queda and their allies because we back you. We have no beef with iraq i doubt that saddam has any interest at all in attacking australia we are there to help because you are our friends, infact not only does bush regard our prime minister as a close friend but all of our past prime ministers have had very close relationship with the white house.

    i think the statment that we"never had the strength to stand on it's own feet" is extremly wrong as we have been behind the US alot more than the US hass been behind us, and i think our efforts and contributions arnt to bad as we are only a 10th the size of america

    also we have plenty to do and see without leaving australia, we are hugly ethnicly diverse (eg we have the largest greek population outside of greece) and naturaly most groups tend to group together so experiencing a different cultare is usaually just a matter of driving to a different part of the city, we have pretty much every type of ecological area so we dont need to leave to experience anything specific, we leave because as a nation we like to explore, to learn and experience things, places and people and broaden our horizens.

  4. i havnt been here for ages anyways also remember things are different things in different places, about 2 yrs ago i posted a topic on here asking if there where any wiggas on here, now where im from, and what i meant was, are there any ppl that listened to rap, liked lowriders etc etc however i very quikly found out that in the US this was infact extremly racists and was much the same as if i had said "nigger" (which is also a no go racist word here)quite a few people (understandubly)got rather hurt and upset by it, and it took me a couple of weeks to convince everyone what i acctually meant instead of what they thought i meant, plus it was just after 9/11 so everyone was tense anyways, it all worked out good though, eventualy

  5. hey what up im still alive but been worken lots and haven to try find full time work so i can go back to jumpen i havnt jumped since the start of the year :( and it didnt help that i turned 18 and all the little money that i have goes to partys and cluben :) and i only get on the net bout once a week but hey thats life i got a roof over my head and food in my belly ill get there :). peace out to everyone

    and jt youll have to come back to aus when i get some money so we can acctually have that jump :)

  6. hey im getting one of those "bouncing cars" [:/] you should go ask if you can have a ride in one, yes they can hop in the carpark but not on the highway (or any public streets for that matter). oh and i wouldnt worry to much about the clientel most gansters would prob just steal someone elses car or get theres hooked up a chop shop or somethen rather than going to a legit shop

  7. i think the recording industry should be able to do more than that. can u imagine the sheer amount of money that internet piracy is costing them, and therfor us. thing is people dont see it as a crime yet if someone walked in to a shop and took a cd it would be highly frowned on. While ill admit i have downloaded a few songs in the past, it is stealing and should be punnished as such

  8. ok how bout another way

    (short back story) i went to a party after work (so it was nearly over) a person i knew there got all upset and wanted to go home, so she was going to catch a train and walk home atabout 1/2 in the morn , she told me an a mate this,we said she couldnt cause it was a 5km walk to the station a 1/2 hr train ride on a dangerous line and the a 15km walk home through a bad area (and it was a sat night soi lots of drunks) she was also a small 17 yr old. now as i was aware(and informed her that for her to do this there was a great risk of her getting raped robbed or killed, should i be held liably if something did happen, i knew (and acnowledged) it was dangerous, she was drunk , i was sober , and i had a car and licence, so i could of dropped her of or atleast called her parents

    so am should i be responsible if something happened, i had the means to help but why should i i had just finished a 10hr shift and was buggered and was looking foward to a party and seeing my friends and it wasnt me she fought with

    so opinions???

  9. Quote

    Right now we are catching some of the Commonwealth Games on CBC.

    why on earth would you want to do that we all know the aussies are/will win:P i guess the second place biff between canada might be a little interesting, dont fell to bad though the poms came over to aus about a month ago for a game of rugby leauge and we beat them so badly they are considering cancelling all international games lol and dont even get me started on cricket lol

    he he current stats
    australia G 30 S 25 B 23 T 78
    England G 19 S 24 B 19 T 62
    Canada G 15 S 16 B 23 T 54

    we are so kicking everyone elses arses (i prefer the comonenwealth games more than the olympics no Us or Russia lol )

  10. yer looking from the outside i find it slightly odd how everyone is bailing out as if all of the businesses are closing down or somethen.i guess its prob cause they all hopped in thinken that it would be a get rich quick thing saw all there stocks skyrocket then drop so they think its the end the way i see it unless you buy then sell soon after (which i understand is highly disliked by ppl and resulting in firms not doing business with you) then it doesnt really matter it will recover its is real funny cause you keep hearing oh no its fallen to levels not seen since 98 come on that was 4 years ago and it obvously recovered , if they said levels not seen since the great depression then mayby id be having a second look.

    my advice like everyone else do your homework it amazes me how many people have shares and dont know squat about the companys, someone just told them to buy them.
    if it looks to good to be true it prob is, if after doen your homework it still looks legit then invest as much as you can afford(to lose) if it stuffs up youve planned for it if it works youve made some extra money.
    as most ppl have said diversify not ust across companys but industries, one eg is oil companies, someone could invent a constant free energy machine tommorow which would mean while oil would still be required(for things like plastics etc) they wont have anywhere near the same massive profits
    if your investing for your retirment then think for the future think about where will this company be at around the year(whenever you plan to retire) will its product still be required, have / are they planning for the future and changing to match the needs

    fiquire out what type of portfolio you want high returns/high risk, mid returns/mid risk low returns/low risk

    if you are going to invest any money that you cant afford then go and see a proper invester it is better to spend the extra money but remember never to take anybodys word for it allways do your own homework

  11. you can have my soul to , dont worry about payment, hmm second thougth $1 Us could be me a ferrari in australia, ah to much effort just give a dollar to some kid on the street.

    1. ques if you own my soul and kill lots of people after selling it will you go to hell as well????

  12. im not sure where they got there figures because i live in a australia , and one of the more gang infested places and "violent crime" isnt that often here and shotting rampages pretty much never happen, however that is beside the point, there is a ways to decrease the number of gun deaths it just needs someone with balls(in politics) to do it 1. cut the accidental deaths by having cops come in and teach all kids from the early age at school about guns and safety and how to handle them properly as well as how much damage it can cause(note this doesnt mean how to shoot them, but what to do if they find a gun, and if for some reason they have to pick it up what the safety mechanisms are , how to clear it etc. the ppl of the US have generally chosen to make guns a large part of your culture and yet children arnt tought about it, yet dont take candy from/talk to a stranger, how to cross the road etc (i assume) are taught, telling a kid dont touch that its bad doesnt work they need to know why,

    next all owners must be a (generally) good shot as well as proficent in handiling safety etc, theres nothing more dangerous than somebody paniking without proper training, next all guns must come in a lock box with key.
    and most importantly ownership responsibility if some kid does shoot up there school, or someone shoots themselves or someone else then the owner is held legally responsible (as well as the person) as it is up to them to ensure the gun is stowed away properly

  13. i hate the fact that ppl say "guns dont kill people , people kill people" that is the type of mentality that cause problems, ill be 18 soon and getting a gun licence and that mentality scares the crap out of me guns do kill people sure you can kill someone with a knife or a pen but its alot easier with a gun, with pretty much anything else you have to make a deliberate action to cause damage the majoristy of the time, go into the kitchen and grab a knife put it on the counter ok someone is coming you grabit now what, you think, you either take a swipe or just hold it there hoping they will go away, lets assume you swipe chances are your panikling so you either miss or just nic them you stop to think again wait a sec thats your kid comen down for a snack same senario this time you have a gun, you swing around get scared and bang kids dead. The reason that guns are such great weapons are because a. there fast b. the accurate c. they inflict maximum harm. Sure it is the person pulling the trigger but when was the last time you heard of a kid playing around in the cutlery draw and stabbing themselves/friend to death or disgruntal worker going on a stabbing rampage with a pen, both possible senarios, and finally add a one more to the list d.power anybody that has every held a gun knows you feel an instant sense of power, just like if not bigger then when you first hopped behind the wheel of a car, you a (hopefully) in full control of something that can kill in a second. Guns do have uses and it is fun to shoot a target but having the attitude that guns arnt really dangerous is what gets people killed it only take a snap of a finger and yours and others lives can change forever.

  14. religion is stupid it has 2 main purposes, 1. control 2. answers both from the ancient times a thought the old druids priests etc of the ancient world where held with utter admiration and many where thought to be above human, they where also able to comunicate with there gods, which today we say is rubbish cause zeus and thor and Ra etc dont exist. 1. the explain bit came from when we could think it explained how things happened and why the more we understood the less was attributed to particuler gods which eventually started to join as one.2. power Think about it in a very very turbalant time where we where "relitively" new to nations in a large settled area they needed a way to control , national pride wasnt really a thing, most people where looking for a way to just eat and would happily hand over there "nation" for food, so what do the rulers do, hmm how about our religion united under our gods, the same gods that will protect us in battle and give us wealth, in times of trouble it wasnt because of bad leadership it was because the gods where angry, it helps alot in battle if your truly believe that not only is "the real god" on your side but if you die in battle you will go to the greatest of the heavans.

    however these civilizations died out (romans, egyptians etc) and where replaced by lots of smaller groups out of nowhere the british (and related) empire started to flurish however this time with just one god, this god kept a. all of the peasants in line b. gave the same battle edge as the ancient gods (i.e the crusades, which had nothing to do with "spreading the word" but instead taking over valuable land)also a large percentage took up paganism at this time which the goverment saw as a threat to there god so blamed everything bad on them (the witch hunts) because they where following lucifer (which they didnt believe in)

    which brings us to today, most ppl are highly independant and reasonably smart, they dont rely on the government to supply them and with there gained skills are able to travel to multiple countrys and societys they also have a basic understanding of how things work like rain and floods, droughts etc. the more independant we get the further we leave religion (i.e it was/is the norm for my parent generation to go to church, it is the norm for my generation to not go)

    oh yer and 1 more thing religion gives is hope no matter how bad your life wether it be 10bc rome 15th century britan or modern day compton if you do good you will go to a place so great its unimaginable and it will be forever, a concept so big most ppl cant even conprehend it.

    im not saying there isnt a god, or an alien that bought life to earth or what ever religion may of had its seating in truth however i can say without a doubt no religion on this earth is perfectly right and they have all evolved to suit the nation, also i dont think its a conspiracy either, most ppl in charge most likly did think they where right.

    (also in egypt the entire country once swapped religions(to christian) this lasted for the entire rule of the pharoh and was then gotten rid of)

  15. 1. hell doesnt appear in all religions, however it does appear in most "government religions" i.e religions that have been endorsed by particular nations eg I THINK paganism dosnt have a hell nor do lots of other smaller groups like scientoligists lol
    1a. hell is a method of control fear to do what your religions says is right, whats worse than turture or death? Hell it lasts forever and is the most horrific thing possible. look on the other side heaven(etc) the greatest of places no crime no sadness complete happyness. Which one do you want to go to? follow there rules you go do heaven disobay you go to hell that simple

    2. ppl in the wtc , lost kids etc pray . this has nothing to do with an overpowering religion its purly hope. hope that there is something out there that is capable of stopping what is happening, id be willing to bet all but the most devout would be praying to anyone be they god, allah, zeus aliens or bill gates

    3. please correct me if im wrong but my understanding is that the USA was a. "settled" by the pilgrams, god fearing blah blah blah pilgrams,b. settled hundreds of years ago, in a time where for the most part everyone in a particuler region not only believed in the same god but was extremly devout, hell just at the start of the 1900's most ppl in the western world got up every sunday put on there sunday bests and went to church

    anyway point is of course your constitution is full of god refereneces that was then this is now.

    i dont really care if you keep the god references personally i think the effort to change it is more than its worth however mayby it shouldnt be
    one nation, under god instead
    one nation, under our ancestors .....

  16. ok how many times do i have to say this
    HE WASNT AN "INNOCENT" he didnt just know about bombs, or happen to "hang" in the muslim circles which included al queda
    1. we was a know and convicted gangster
    2. he had meetings with al queda operatives
    3. he trained with them
    4. he had about $10 000 with him, given to him by al queda.
    this is just the stuff that the aussie media knows and the Us government no doubts knows tons more.
    so all this arguing and worring about somebody grabbing you one day purly because you know muslims or know about bombs is crap it wasnt circumstantly evidance that he was going to do something it was hard solid obvious info
    jeez next yous will be sayen bin ladin cant be arrested, cause we dont acctually have footage of him telling those idiots to hijack the planes and all the other stuff is just circumstantul, sure he did say stuff on the videos, but lots of ppl have taken credit for things they didnt do in the past. Sure he did have contacts with them but that doesnt prove anything he just "hung out in those circles" sure he is on the run with the taliban i.e his own private army but that doesnt prove anything youd be running and fighting if someone wanted to kill you god what is wrong with you ppl what would you of rather that the police waited till he nuked NY then arrested him, cause then they would have proof jeez
    Opinions are like a-holes everyone has one, the only one that does you any good is yours and all that comes out is shit

  17. um there is one thing wrong with what you are arguing about, the guy wasnt just as described your missing one crucial point he was also a known and convicted ganster, not an engineer, or scientest or even just somebody that has an interest in nuclear etc fields he was a know and convicted ganster, murderer etc
    Opinions are like a-holes everyone has one, the only one that does you any good is yours and all that comes out is shit

  18. Well, it could be worse. An angry girlfriend could cut off your dick in the middle of the night and throw it out the window of a moving car
    In tyler we trust :)that is a fuken awsome movie
    Opinions are like a-holes everyone has one, the only one that does you any good is yours and all that comes out is shit

  19. man that is an old show it got axed like 5yrs ago so dunno how old that particular eposide is
    Opinions are like a-holes everyone has one, the only one that does you any good is yours and all that comes out is shit

  20. i started jumpen at 16, that didnt stop them hitten me up for beer, so drink and be merry
    Opinions are like a-holes everyone has one, the only one that does you any good is yours and all that comes out is shit

  21. on a happy note i just bout a dvd player and its fuken awsome, i got also bout cutaway from the video store for $14 ex-rental
    Opinions are like a-holes everyone has one, the only one that does you any good is yours and all that comes out is shit

  22. 9/11 doesnt make them smart, even today with all the security i could take over an airliner by myself, i could also blow up the superbowl, nuke a city or do stuff even worse as i said before 9/11 was terrible but it could of been much worse at the end of the day if someone wants to do something so bad regardless of cost (both financial, life etc ) it can be done and there is nothing that anybody can do to stop it. If i want to kill somebody you can soround them with tanks, choppers and bullet proof glass and ill find i(they) will find a way to do it. your best way to stop it is a. find out WHY b. have ppl work through and think of as many different senariose as possible and make plans around it. at the end of the day no matter how much money and effort you put in someone will get thrue, that is the price of freedom, it wouldnt happen in a super1984 world.
    you all choose to have the freedom to not have the government watch your everymove,to not be able to search your houses and tap your phone lines without warrants, you choose to not let the government put little tracking chips into everyperson etc etc, in a world where the above was true, crime, murder, terrorism etc would be pretty much non existant, however that world is alot worse over all (unless im the boss :)on the india pakistan thing they are just involved in a pissing match thats all im not saying it cant happen it is just improbable my guess is they go on like this for a while then sign a peace deal with both saying the other side came to them first, and they being great statesman and not wanting to kill ppl for no reason agreed, but they would of one.
    at the end of the day they dont want to go to war if they did it would of already happened no side can aford to both in money terms and ppl terms plus the fact if the nuke eachother they will lose both the nuclear and military superiority in the area at the end of the day both side will loose alot
    "when you have a pissing compition you dont want to get piss on yourself"
    Opinions are like a-holes everyone has one, the only one that does you any good is yours and all that comes out is shit