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Posts posted by outlawphx

  1. Quote

    I got back to "No more world meets." It was an ultimatum. No negotiation. We were divorced before the next world meet.

    Yep. Ultimatums and relationships don't go well together, so she was foolish to give one.

    I had 500 jumps early in life before I met my wife (I wasn't actively jumping anymore), and I started back up last year. Her biggest concern is the time it takes, so I compromise by only jumping two days a month. I also try to give her equal time to do what she wants.

  2. Of course no one likes to think anything bad will happen to them, it's still important to think about.

    As far as the financial issues, I have two insurance policies on myself, money in the bank and retirement accounts, and no debt except a small mortgage.

    For everyday support, my wife's parents are retired and help with our son right now. My parents are retired and are waiting for a new house to be build near us to move down. They all love my wife and son, and our parents have been close friends since they all went to college together 40 years ago.

    My biggest worry here is hurting myself really bad (i.e. vegetable, paralyzed, etc.), but otherwise I feel pretty comfortable that my family would be taken care of.

  3. <-- Not a hardcore swooper

    I've found that the riser pressure builds up too much doing a really slow carve on my Nitron. After listening to Brian G. on skydive radio, it made some sense why. As the canopy accelerates, it's producing more lift. If you don't have enough bank angle, the lift is pulling the canopy out of the dive. If you start the dive agressively to get significant bank angle and then counter with the opposite riser to control the rotation of the turn, you can make canopies that have high front riser pressure seem to have lower pressure. If you pull the front riser down to maximum point you want right away, it's easy to hold it there throughout the dive, as opposed to trying to continue to pull it further as the canopy starts producing more lift and pulling away from you as you accelerate.

    Since I was a little gun shy about entering the dive so aggressively, I did a bunch of 90 to 180 turns up high while watching my altimeter. Then I set up my landing and tacked 100ft on top of what I saw up high for my first attempt. Obviously, it was too high, but I slowly lowered my initiation height. It also built my confidence with being aggressive with the front risers.

    Again, YMMV. And talk to a canopy coach, because everyone on the web is crazy and full of sh*t :P

  4. The reason I like HMA is because it doesn't shrink up like spectra and change the canopy's trim. I've been a little concerned about tension knots though, because I often have to clear tangles when I walk my lines up to flake the canopy. That's not to say I didn't have to with spectra, it's just the lines and tangles seem to stick together more.

  5. That's a scary a** picture, and I'm glad you came out of that OK!

    There was a fatality recently due to the same circumstances, but the jumper tried to cut through the bridle of his main PC before going for his reserve.

    Also, RSL's are generally considered to be a bad idea while jumping camera, due to the possible snag hazards. If you haven't already, I'd recommend doing a seach on the subject.

  6. Quote

    Probably the same reason my A number is 17647 but I've only list that I've been in the sport for a few years.

    I got my A license back in 1989 and then quit jumping until 2003

    I dont think its reasonable to list that I've been in the sport for 16 years, because I really havent.
    Thats just when I got my license ;)

    Strange. I got my A in 1992, and my number is in the 15000's :|

  7. Anyone else see the "freefly schurken" video on SkydiveMovies.com? About 50 seconds into the video there is first person video of someone riding a spinning main with major line twists into some trees. :o Talk about someone having a guardian angel! :) A few hundred feet in another direction they would've landed in a field or on the runway B|

  8. I assume you're just doing head up freeflying, so freefly pants adding drag on your legs won't really be doing you any good. They are effective if you're flying headdown for the exact reason they're not very beneficial for head up.

    I'm getting ready to put my fullbody ff jumpsuit away for the summer (eloy, summer, 100+ degrees) and go back to shorts and a t-shirt until it cools off.

  9. Quote

    If the loop fingertrapped into the end of the line is large enough to go over the barrel on the link, perhaps either the outside A line or the centre B line went over the barrel and all the way around to the other side? If so you can just flip it back around.

    They're soft links. I can take the links apart and put them in whatever order they need to be in, but I just need to know what order that is...

  10. Quote

    Just a general question for all S2 owners here...when packing ...how many times or how tight do you roll the tail when you wrap it? Hope that makes sense....and is this a direct factor in slowing the opening or just keeping "things" tidy in the pack?

    I never rolled it much. The main thing was making sure the slider stayed up against the slider stops while packing.