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Gear Reviews posted by Fuck

  1. Performs well for an old canopy. I've been told it's the predecessor to the Hornet. I like my Sonic so much I decided to stay with the same company for my 'new' Heatwave (new for me). I've never had a hard opening with my Sonic, even though it's old and very well used. Usually opens on heading, even though I know my lines are out of trim. Easy to keep on heading with the risers on the openings where it starts to head off course. Easy to pack cuz it's got Galvanor fabric and coloured tabs.

    This is the only 150 I've flown, but comparing it to the 170's I've tried, I'd say it's incredibly more responsive than the rectangular PD 170 and it's more responsive than the Hornet 170, which I'd expect, because it's smaller (higher wingloading, shorter lines, etc.). It glides similar to the Pilot I checked out, not steep like the Sabre 1. I think someone with more balls and/or experience could easily see the horizon over the canopy during a turn if they wanted to. I haven't ventured that far yet. :)