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Everything posted by mattjohnson89

  1. any specific places in cali you can suggest? and from the research i've done wingsuit base jumping will take allot of jumps before hand(at least 200 just to get to the wing suit), like i said i have the next 7 months to work toward that goal, hopefully enough and if its not then im off work again next August so hopefully i can get there within a year if i work hard, we'll see how motivation goes though!
  2. oh and my goal by next spring is to get into base jumping with the wing suit, not sure how feasible this is though :/ think it requires allot of dives to do safely.
  3. Hello everyone, i'm looking to get into skydiving and want a place where i can pound out as many courses and as many dives as i possibly can. i currently live in seattle and the weather has started to turn hear so i need to go south to get to better weather. I have about 7 months before i need to go back to work and money isn't a real issue(cheaper is always better though). I am able to travel out of the country(have a ton of experience backpacking to random places) if its tempting enough, i would kind of prefer to stay in the united states just because i can ride my motorcycle there, but like i said i am very open to going anywhere. thanks /m