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Posts posted by DrunkMonkey

  1. Quote



    You support our govt banning activities merely because you don't like them ...not because of a health consideration? I

    But it is because of a health consideration! My point is you don't always need a scientific study to tell when something is making you feel un-well. You can feel it.

    I think I understand. Kind of like you really don't need to read the books to know they need to be burned? They just offend you? ;)

    Did I get it right?


    Non-sequitor. Has a book or a steak enjoyed by another ever posed a health risk to you?

  2. Quote

    I'm not completely in step on the "smokers should be forced to accomodate non-smokers" front though. Every time I go to a Mariner's game, I stop at a place called FX McRory's for a beer and cigar before-hand. Every Tuesday night, they have "single malt and cigar night". How would you propose that people who show up there for the standard Tuesday night event accomodate non-smokers? Wouldn't it be better if non-smokers accomodated the smokers and just stayed away that night? Or are you with the majority of people on this thread who thinks that's an evil, evil practice and should be outlawed?

    I am not going to keep up with this, as anytime I get into a charged debate, the Powers That Be get into a hissy fit about me bruising some thin-skinned pussy's fragile ego. (NOT referring to you, Dave)

  3. Quote

    i voted for choice number one.

    this whole "smoking ban" thing is ridiculous. i'm sure a lot of you will agree world hunger, children dying every day, the economy and civil unrest will put this topic in perspective rather quickly. get over it.

    I agree, and standby the smoking ban. Reduce the illness due to exposure to second-hand smoke, and funnel the saved healthcare dollars to all those ends.

  4. Quote


    Yeah, well, a liberatarian is suppsed to support others freedom as long as it doesn't intrude on one's own freedom. A smoker is committing a blatantly unnatural act, & intruding on others' completely necessary & natural act of breathing clean air if he/she smokes next to that other person.

    Fixed it for ya. There are ways of preventing non-smokers from being exposed to cigarette smoke without restricting the ability of smokers to indulge in their habits or business owners to decide what facets of business they want to explore.


    Look at it this way: I used to work in a Major League Baseball stadium. We banned smoking in the stands. You've got your assigned seat on the ticket, so the guy who's next to you should have to go elsewhere to smoke. Smokers rightfully should be forced to accommodate nonsmokers. Nonsmoking is not only the natural state, but it's also the majority.

  5. Quote

    My son had it. He sucked it up and drove on. I'd say don't worry about it too much. Odds are you've lived through it before...

    Exactly what ordeals did an infant/toddler have to suck it up and press thru while under the effects of RSV? The LSAT? MCAT? :P

  6. Quote

    El equipo olimpico iraqui me dijo que no hubiesen cambiado la vida de algunos miembros de su familia para poder jugar en las olimpiadas.

    Debe ser una cosa occidental.
    I hope you understand Spanish better than English. If not, it must be your reading skills.

    Te entiendo. Es facil comprenderte en esta idioma. Pero no estoy de acuerdo contigo.

    Hay algunas personas en el EEUU que estan de acuerdo contigo, pero creo que ellos no son veteranos de las fuerzas armadas. Si una persona es un veterano, tiene un lugar mejor de hablar sobre la guerra o la politica que circundan la guerra.

    El hecho es que muchos de nosotros no se significan que dicen los extranjeros. Yo se muchos de ustedes nos odian, pero esa es la vida.

    Disculpe la carencia de acentos. No se como escribirlas a máquina.

    Y me uso de la idioma es?

  7. Quote

    You could always become a master thief :)
    Seems you can travel to interesting, exotic places, meet lots of hot chicks, take lots of chances and risks, and get filthy rich.

    That would probably stay interesting for more than a month B|B|

    Let me guess--you saw The Saint recently, didn't you...?

  8. I would, but I'm broke, my rig is in need of that Mirage mod, and the repack is hopelessly out of date.

    I've been on a break this year, trying to get my act together before I get out of the Air Force.

  9. Quote

    I just want a interesting job in a good location. ***

    I am hijacking my own thread.

    What would that be DM?

    I have spent a lot of time thinking of what I would do if I didn’t have the job I have.

    I can’t think of anything that I would really enjoy for more then a month or so.

    Every thing gets to be the same over and over.

    I need excitment.

    I'm getting out of flying a desk for the USAF, to pursue Law School. (hoping for Fall '06) The AF is just taking their sweetass time in letting me go.

    I will get the Law Degree, and then see what I want to do with it. Probably move to DC, weasel my way into some gig there.

    But the tuition will be free. Thanks to the VA. :)

    We'll see.

  10. While I'm in a similarly sour mood, I do not necessarily hate work. I just hate monotony. Work, in moderation, is a good thing, as it yields money, which I'd like to have some spare of, so I can get an iRiver MP3 player, and finally clear 20GB off my laptop.

    I just want a interesting job in a good location.

  11. Today, I just don't care about a goddamn thing. I just want to eat steak (medium rare) and drink beer (Red Tail Ale), and bitch-slap anyone who says anything remotely irritating.

    Today is "Don't Fuck with Me" Day.

    Ugh...this sucks.