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Dropzone Reviews posted by DrunkMonkey

  1. I'm sorry to have to leave my home DZ this coming July.

    ACDZ is by far the best DZ in Kansas. The people are friendly and always willing to teach/coach you: Willie and Phil for RW, Tracy, Troy, & Russel for Freefly.

    The location is perfect, nice and close to Metro Wichita.

    The Pilots are first rate; most are also CFIs. Safety is paramount. One of our pilots is also our mechanic--88X is the best maintainted jumpship in KS.

    There are no cliques here. Everyone is welcome, no matter their jump preference or views on anything. All are immediately part of the "family."

    The TV's on for the Football games, and we've got Papa John's on Speed dial.

    ACDZ is, in my humble opinion, the only smart choice when spending your precious skydive dollar.

    -Neil Poston