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Posts posted by FlyingRhenquest

  1. Hey All! Can someone identify the plane a the 5:07 mark of the FAA video Stalling for Safety? A friend of mine asked me, as being a skydiver apparently makes me an authority on all things related to aviation. I realize that being able to tell them probably doesn't do much to help dispel that idea, but I'm a bit curious too. And since you're all skydivers, that makes you authorities on all things related to aviation!
    I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

  2. Boomerdog

    Never get in the way when your opponent is digging a hole for themselves.

    Of course you could politely offer him a bigger shovel!

    I'm mostly just standin' over here eatin' mah popcorn! B|

    Ok ok I know, I can't resist being a sarcastic bastard sometimes, but in my defense I'm pretty good at it!
    I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

  3. Heh, and I thought I had a legitimate gripe about getting me and two AFF instructors out the door of a king air! I guess I shouldn't be so complainey. The couple of times I've done a ride in a Cessna (206b) I usually end up with a leg going to sleep. The last time I just kind of skootched my legs around to the door and just rolled out. Not having your face to the relative wind will flip you around a bit more, though, and that's probably to be avoided for static line training.
    I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

  4. tdog

    All: this website and Facebook and an internet blog were admitted into testimony to show the judge that the skydiving community was hostile towards complainers and that more people would have likely complained but for the risks associated with complaining. Specifically, some very derogatory comments made online regarding Kim were shown to witnesses for them to make comments (and thus the judge saw them.) Also some pre-trial motions were decided based on online comments in favor of the plaintiff. The DZO, who is footing the bill for the trial, said and Facebook "did us no favors" to his (our) case .. On behalf of many Colorado skydivers, who attended the trial and showed the judge and plaintiff respect, please keep it kind. You may disagree with Kim, but because of the active trial, and the fight with the City is far from over, it is important to keep it polite. The other thread on this topic was shutdown with pretty strong words by Sangrio. Please don't rehash that...

    You know, I'd almost feel bad about whatever is wrong with Kim''s brain except for the fact that if her constant harassment does manage to shut the dropzone down, I'd feel compelled to sell my house 10 minutes from the airport and move to Eloy.

    And also, most people aren't concerned with it. I mentioned the lawsuit to the guy who runs the coffee ship down the road from the runway and the first thing out of his mouth was "But what about the trains? Those things are 10 times worse than the airplane noise!" But I doubt that sort of thing comment would make it into evidence since the defense has better things to do than stalk skydivers in private skydiver forums that you have to obtain a login to even see.
    I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

  5. ryoder

    ******Site visits rescheduled for May 2.
    Closing arguments rescheduled for 1400 May 6.

    Yes. Mother Nature is being a bitch. Again. *throws fish at Mother Nature*

    Stupid Mother Nature screwing up my wingsuit jumps...

    Yesterday was nice, though!

    So will you be participating in tomorrows Court Ordered Boogie?B|

    We'll see how I do about dragging my ass out of bed. I tend to not keep hours that are compatible with courts, apparently.
    I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

  6. I assumed it was because it's always cloudy where he lives, not because he wants to jump through them. Kind of like how the intersection of jumpable nice days and days the DZ are open can get somewhat dicey 'round these parts in the winter and early spring. Then Mother Nature starts mocking you with gorgeous 70 degree Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Because she's a bitch! *throws a fish at Mother Nature*
    I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

  7. councilman24

    I haven't seen anyone be able to tell people they can't do a legal activity in their off time. Smoke on the job? Sure they can ban it. Smoke at home? Insurance rates are discounted for non-smokers in all of my experience. Alcohol clears fast enough to be able to be sober (within some definition) for work. Group life insurance may not pay out for skydiving, motorcycle racing, etc. Still get to work, just pay for or exclude benefits...
    I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

  8. Dunno about California, but in Colorado your employer can fire you at any time for any reason. Last I heard there was a case percolating through the courts where EchoStar fired some guy for testing positive for marijuana. The guy apparently had a medical card and was using it to control pain from a spine injury or some such. I'm pretty sure the court will rule in EchoStar's favor, but I just view that as one more reason in a long list of reasons to not work for EchoStar.

    I'm also pretty sure an employer can demand that its employees not smoke tobacco or drink alcohol and fire them for that if they catch them at it. They might have difficulty finding employees with policies like that, but I bet their health plan would be cheap as hell.
    I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

  9. Sure, I didn't do a tandem. Wanted to experience skydiving without being strapped to a dude. Worked great for me. By the same token, I've met one AFF student who sat through the ground school while having increasing misgivings about it and ended up just doing a tandem instead. I also have a tunnel buddy who's never jumped out of a plane who is dead set on doing a tandem before starting AFF.
    I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

  10. gunsmokex

    Yeah I was kind of joking and couldn't help it....I'm a Raiders fan ;) But yeah definitely if you involve some public figures and talk to the Thuderstorm it couldn't hurt. I can't wait to get to Raiders Broncos game someday to see them burn into a packed stadium like they do and then head to the DZ to jump! What DZ does the Thunderstorm jump out of?

    I've seen 'em take the Otter and I've seen them take one of the King Airs. I think it just comes down to what they have flying on that particular day.
    I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

  11. I've seen several people using those orange foam ones, but don't know when they put them in. A skydive is loud, but not as loud as an indoor skydiving wind tunnel. I lost an earplug halfway through a session in there one time without noticing it. That wasn't fun, but didn't seem to do any lasting damage either.

    If you do use earplugs, just make sure you can hear your instructor on the plane. During AFF they usually check with you to make sure you can remember the dive flow and stuff. Plane's pretty loud too, by the way. That might actually do more damage to your hearing than the skydives, over time.
    I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

  12. Quote

    Unfortunately it is not too practical because of the variations in seatbelt hardware, but that is a very innovative idea.

    It sounds like something the military could put into place over time, because they have more control over their aircraft and parachute gear.

    That's not an industry standard? Well then it seems the correct course of action would be to design an industry standard seatbelt, get it adopted and then design this system! retrofitting would take a decade, though, and you'd need to make sure you can't just freely pivot if you're being violently tossed around. You might still want two points of connection with your harness. But that's really just an excuse to violently toss around some roughly human shaped dummies to see what happens!
    I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?